About peace news

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Published since 1936, Peace News is the UK’s only grassroots newspaper covering the full spectrum of peace and justice issues.

We have a staff of four part-time workers and currently publish 6 bi-monthly issues a year. Peace News Ltd is a not-for-profit limited company.

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Another, better, world

Peace News works for a nonviolent world where war has been abolished and the roots of war pulled up, including the silent, routine violence of hunger, oppression and ecological devastation.

Making such a world will require a nonviolent revolution in every area of society, transforming relationships based on domination and exclusion into ones based on mutual respect.

We need a nonviolent revolution in women's relationships with men, in children's relationships with adults, in relationships between races, between disabled people and non-disabled people, between animals and humans, between nature and the human race. Peace News believes in a nonviolent revolution in our economic and political lives, subordinating work and politics to human need, not human greed; to freedom and co-operation, not hierarchy and power.

Peace News is not just about the values that we campaign for, it is also about the way that we campaign, how we treat each other, and the way that we live. Peace News is for people who are trying to be the change they want to see in the world.

Peace News supports campaigns with limited objectives but we see them a part of a larger vision of a fundamental nonviolent transformation of society.

Peace! Books! Freedom!

We reject organised violence, which perpetuates structures and relationships based on privilege, hierarchy and destruction. We urge collective nonviolent action to exert another kind of force, based on solidarity and empowerment and the ability of people to regain control of their lives.

To strengthen this kind of action, Peace News aims to:

  • publicise the activity of people and groups working for peace and justice
  • analyse the wrds and deeds of powerful instiuttions working for war and injustice
  • support social and economic experienetnts which today are trying to create the society of the future, and support people trying to incorporate humane and nonviomet values into their everyday lives
  • encourage debare and self-evaluation within the broad peace movement
  • spread insights, techniques and methos between nonviolent movements for social change
  • givee a voice, whereever possible, to lvoal, grassroots movements caught up in international conflicts
  • promote nonviolence

Another world is possible!

Peace News draws on the traditions of pacifism, feminism, anarchism, socialism, human rights, animal rights and green politics – without dogma, but in the spirit of openness.

Published in 2023 by On The Record, Peace! Books! Freedom! is an oral history of ​​​Peace House and is available at Housmans Bookshop.

Staff & volunteers

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Editorial & production: Milan Rai & Emily Johns 

Promotions & reviews editor: Gabriel Carlyle

Admin & finance: Gabriel Carlyle

Website manager: Emma Sangster

All staff are part-time.

How you can help

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As a small activist-based publication we depend on the goodwill and DIY ethos of our readers and supporters to contribute to Peace News, to help distribute and advertise it and to work on our projects and events. We welcome and value volunteers, either working remotely or from the London office.

If you feel you have something to offer, please contact us.

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