Chuck out the bombs and the bankers.
Prepare to turn the world upside down …
28 July – 1 August 2011
near Shrewsbury, Shropshire
More info: www.peacenewscamp.info
Facebook: http://tinyurl.com/pncamp
Twitter: pnsummercamp
Contact: peacenewscamp@googlemail.com or 0207 278 3344
PURCHASE TICKETS: http://tinyurl.com/summercamptickets
We have an amazing Peace News Summer Camp lined up this year. We hope you will be able to join us.
With Seize The Day, Tracy Curtis and the Carbon Town Cryer to entertain us (no better entertainment anywhere this summer, we think), and a host of informed, experienced and thoughtful activists to share thoughts and skills with, we think this will be the best Summer Camp yet. The breadth of campaigns represented is extraordinary.
Among other things, we hope Summer Camp will make a real contribution to creating a strong partnership between the peace movement and the anti-cuts movement which will be growing and developing over the next few years.
Below is a list of workshops (titles may change), and some practical information about the camp. Book your tickets now: http://www.peacenewscamp.info!
Going Viral: Growing UK Uncut – UK Uncut / What Can People Do Where They Live To Change The World? – Dave Morris / Resisting Together – London Coalition Against Poverty / Taking Control: Home Education – Leslie Barson / Solidarity Forever: Unionising Migrant Workers – Ewa Jasiewicz (Unite the union) / Kettles Are For Cuppas, Not Coppers – Stop Kettling Our Kids / Airport Watch: Community and Environmentalism – John Stewart / Building Secure Bases For Resistance – The Radical Routes Network of Radical Co-operatives / NEW FILM _Chronicle of Protest_ with Q&A – Michael Channan (film-maker)
Eyewitness Afghanistan: A Radical Photographer Reports – Guy Smallman / Chomsky’s Politics – Milan Rai / Conscious Oil: Art and Politics – Emily Johns / Fuel on the Fire: The Hidden History of Iraq’s Oil – Greg Muttitt (author, Fuel on the Fire) / Feminism (Women’s Meeting) / Resistance in Harry Potter – Susan Clarkson / Driven Crazy: Modern Society and Car Culture – Patrick Nicholson (Bicycology) / Mental Health, Humanitarian Law and the Long-Term Effects of War – Pennie Quinton / Uprooting War – Milan Rai / It’ll Make a Man Out of You: Masculinity, Militarism, Martyrdom and All That Malarkey (Men’s Meeting) / Howard Zinn’s “Emma: A Play in Two Acts about Emma Goldman, American Anarchist” (community performance with Maya Evans)
Seven Years of Resisting Militarism – Smash EDO / Learning from the Animal Rights Movement: Strategy and Tactics / Building An Ambitious Peace Movement in Wales (bilingual session) – Cymdeithas y Cymod / The Revolutions in Egypt and Beyond – Alex Nunns (co-editor, Tweets from Tahrir) / Taking Environmental Activism To The Next Level – Derek Wall and Huntingdon Lane / Mobilising Communities Against The Nuclear Menace – Yorkshire CND / Ending Britain’s Dodgy Deals – Jonathan Stevenson (Jubilee Debt Campaign) / We Come to Bury Trident, Not to Replace It – Tim Street (ICAN) / Frontline Nonviolence: Action in Palestine – Andrew Muncie / The Biofuels Scam – Biofuels Network / Stop The Biggest Arms Fair in The World: Planning for DSEi in September – Campaign Against Arms Trade
A Beginner’s Guide to CDM (Consensus Decision-Making) – Seeds for Change / A Beginner’s Guide to CM (Cake-Making) – Veggies / A Beginner’s Guide to Facilitation – Seeds for Change / How to Become a Citizen Reporter – visionOntv / Training for Climate Action – UK Youth Climate Coalition / Advanced Facilitation – Seeds for Change / Using Indymedia – Genny Bove / Putting Your Body Where Your Heart Is: Training for Nonviolent Direct Action – Rhizome / Singing – Penny Stone and others / Advanced Consensus Decision-Making – Seeds for Change / Standing Your Ground: Public Speaking – Rhizome
> When and Where?
Peace News Summer Camp is being held in a lovely field belonging to Crabapple Community near Shrewsbury, postcode SY5 6HA. Camp will be open from Wednesday 27 July and will start on the morning of Thursday 28 July. It will end on Monday 1 August in the afternoon. If you can help with set-up (from 25 July) and/or tat-down (2 August), we’d really appreciate it – please call 07980 748 555.
> Family-friendly and accessible
We aim to make the camp as accessible as possible. To make sure we cater for any special needs you may have, please contact us before you come. We will have a step-free (compost) toilet on site.
There will be a family camping area for those with children, a kids’ activities tent and loads of great outdoors things for them to do. We will also be providing child-friendly food.
> How much?
Entrance to the camp costs £15-£65 depending on income. For under-14 year olds the camp is free. Please give what you can afford.
Delicious vegan food costs £6-£11 a day for adults (depending on income). Please book your food by Friday 15 July.
You can pay online at the Peace News webshop (http://tinyurl.com/summercamptickets); you can ring Claire on 020 7278 3344; or you can send a cheque (payable to “Peace News” to: Peace News, 5 Caledonian Rd, London N1 9DY), explaining how many tickets you’re purchasing and which rates
> How to get there
The 436 bus goes from just by Shrewsbury train station to Cross Houses, which is less than a mile from the camp site. You will need to press the stop button when you see the sign for Cross Houses. Some buses are low-floor accessible buses (contact Arriva for details).
Please use public transport if at all possible. There is a (six-mile) cycle route on the Summer Camp website – please call Claire if you’d like us to send you it by post.
> Cars
There are some car parking spaces available at the farm, but not in the camping field itself. Please book your carparking space in advance: e-mail admin@peacenews.info or call 0207 278 3344. Priority will be given to people with mobility needs.
> Accommodation
Accommodation on the site is camping only. Please call Shrewsbury tourist information for B&B ideas: 01743 281 200.
> What to bring
A tent and sleeping bag and any other equipment you may need. Warm, waterproof clothes and boots. A torch. Money for the gate and for food from Veggies. Literature and things to share with others that may be of interest. Musical instruments! NB Dogs (except guide dogs) are not allowed on site – sorry.
> What people said about last year’s camp:
“Wonderful workshops and a wide range of people with which to exchange ideas”
“Safe, friendly, interesting, happy, useful, accepting, great for networking, well thought out and set up. Thank you for organising and creating a lovely village”
“It was a great holiday for me and I loved meeting new people. To become aware of the work that people are doing all over the country”