Definable Traces in the Atmosphere

Blog by Fiorella Lecoutteux

ImageMike Marqusee
Definable Traces in the Atmosphere: Selected Writings
OR Books, 2018; 366pp; £13
Available online here.

The title of this book refers to a line in Mike Marqusee's poem Egypt. In it, Egyptian people are filling a public square, presumably Cairo’s Tahrir Square, and being captured on TV. Much like a dream, Marqusee writes, what is happening is ‘turbulent and calm, much wished for, full of surprise.’ But unlike a dream, this is a revolution that will leave ‘definable traces in the atmosphere, like incense.’ He concludes that: I know this is not a dream because like a dream / everything is changed in its wake.

This beautiful poem serves as an introduction to the book and also as a testament to Marqusee's fierce, revolutionary words. Born in New York in 1953, he spent most of his adult life in the UK as a writer and activist before his untimely death in 2015.

This anthology spans his eclectic, curious and thought-provoking body of work.

It is structured thematically in order to do justice to the broad sweep of his interests, which included British cricket and nationalism, the politics of 1968 in the US, the poems of William Blake and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

What makes these essays all the more engaging is the melding of the political and the personal in all his work.

For example, Marqusee’s involvement in the British Labour Party from the 1980's was the spur for several great pieces. In one of these essays, ‘...and all the against’ (1995), he denounces Tony Blair's New Labour establishment for working to stigmatise members who were too far on the left (accused of being Trotskyists and Oppositionists) which in turn ‘fostered a culture of fear and caution among party members, a culture that inhibits the serious discussion the party needs if it is prepared to be in government.’ In another essay, he imagines Christmas 1999 at 10 Downing Street with great humour, and later we read his campaign diary for the 1997 general election in which he campaigned for Jeremy Corbin in his seat in Islington North.

Another example is his passionate campaign work for the NHS which coincided with his blood cancer diagnosis. An essay about his treatment at St Bartholomew's Hospital in London underlines the damage caused by the PFI (Private Financial Initiative) on this and other hospitals across the UK. And in a beautiful essay entitled ‘Equality: without ifs, nor buts’ (2008), he lays down the ground for social justice for all. His battle is indeed, as the chapter puts it, for healthcare and not health.

Mike Marqusee's writing continues to be relevant today, foremost in the UK, in its battle for Labour's soul. In his introduction, comedian Mark Steel underlines how surprised and shocked Mike would have been to know that his old friend Jeremy Corbyn is now favourite to become Prime Minister. As Steel puts it, ‘it's not just a Hollywood tale of the rise of an underdog, it's a transformation that embodies all that Mike stood for, that defiance, hope, principle and tenacity will always find a way of breaking through, as long as someone somewhere is battling to keep these ideas alive.’