The current issue of Peace News doesn't have an events page because most events in the time period it covers (10 August to the end of October) are online.
So we've put the events listing online instead. Please do check before attending an in-person event as the changing COVID-19 restrictions mean in-person/face-to-face events change also.
This is a list of the kinds of events below:
1) Hiroshima & Nagasaki events (in-person/face-to-face)
2) Hiroshima & Nagasaki events (online events)
3) Other in-person/face-to-face events
4) Other online events
6 – 9 August
Trident Ploughshares is organising days of action alongside a fast in each location. More info on Facebook
Thursday 6 August
1.30pm: meet at the Peace Statue on the seafront at the border where Brighton and Hove meet, for the placing of a paper crane wreath. 8.15pm–9pm: meet by the lake in Queens Park, Park Street, off Eastern Rd, Brighton. With the mayor, Alan Robins, and Roslyn Cook of CND national council and Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF). Organised by: WILPF Brighton. Please note: due to the restrictions on gatherings, we need to have names and contact details of those attending.
‘Remembering Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Bristol: 75 years on.’ Die-in at the time of the bombing of Hiroshima. Organised by Bristol CND, Trident Ploughshares, and other local peace campaigners. Gather 8am. The Peace Tree in the Peace Grove in Castle Park, between the roofless St Peter’s church and Castle Bridge. The tree is no 8 on p3 of the Castle Park Tree Trail. www.tinyurl.com/yc8rcp4o
12noon–1pm: socially-distanced vigil outside the Bentall Centre. Then to Canbury Gardens (near the bandstand) where white flowers will be floated on the River Thames. Please bring your own picnic for afterwards. Organised by Kingston Peace Council/CND.
10.15am: Gather at LCVS, 151 Dale St (near the Birkenhead tunnel). We will then proceed, via William Brown Street, with banners and placards to St. John’s Garden. At 11am, the lord mayor of Liverpool, Anna Rothery, will lay a wreath. There will be poems, survivors’ testimonies and music. Marchers are asked to wear white and bring a banner or symbol. Please note that social distancing guidelines must be followed at all times. More info: Merseyside CND.
Perth Quaker Meeting is having a vigil (11am – 1pm) and an informal social at 2pm. They aren’t sure if the numbers coming will meet COVID conditions, so please get in touch if you’d like to attend.
Wimbledon Disarmament Coalition/CND and friends will remember the victims of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki with poetry, music and quiet reflection followed by a simple ceremony of launching symbolic lighted boats in the Japanese tradition. 8.30pm. Rushmere Pond, Southside, Wimbledon Common.
Saturday 8 August
With the lord mayor. Readings and music. All welcome, social distancing guidelines will be observed. 11am. Norfolk Gardens. Organised by Yorkshire CND.
Join Isle of Wight CND at their annual commemoration at the Peace Tree, just north of Coppins Bridge roundabout. 11am.
Sunday 9 August
10.30am: Assemble in Park Sq. 11am: commemoration with lord mayor Eileen Taylor and chair of CND,
Pax Christi will have a silent, outdoor, socially-distanced presence outside Westminster Cathedral. If you can safely join us, please come and stand in silence for a while. You might like to bring a candle, some flowers, or a sign, but just to be present will be enough. 10am–11.30am. 42 Francis Street.
There will be a vigil and readings to mark the atomic bombings of Japan. Please bring banners and poems. 11am. Peace Plaque, Bonn Square. Organised by Oxford CND. More info: oxfordcnd AT phonecoop.coop
‘Nagasaki Peace Picnic’. An at-a-distance peace picnic with statements and poems. 1.30pm–3pm. Archbishop Tutu Peace Garden, Grove Park (access via Amblecote Rd, off Chinbrook Rd). Organised by Bromley Peace Council.
Thursday 6 August
Marking the 75th anniversary of the bombing of the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki with contributions from bishop Paul Bayes, canon Paul Oestreicher and others. Organised by the Anglican Pacifist Fellowship. 4pm. Zoom. Please register here.
A Hiroshima Remembrance event will be streamed live from the Cathedral. Includes a reflection by the ambassador of Japan (on video) and a welcome from the lord mayor. Organised by Coventry Quaker Meeting, the lord mayor of Coventry, and the Committee of Peace and Reconciliation. 4.30pm.
Elements of the event will be broadcast live from Charlton House Peace Gardens. Capacity is limited so all attendees must register in advance. Registration ends at 4pm on Wednesday 5 August. The event itself is at 6pm. On Zoom.
Please book online, places are limited. London Region CND’s annual Hiroshima Day Commemoration at the commemorative cherry tree in Tavistock Square. 12noon–1pm. Registration ends at 4pm on Wednesday 5 August.
Father Wilhelm was a German Jesuit priest living in Hiroshima at the time of the first atomic bombing. _The Priest’s Tale_ is an adaptation by actor/playwright Michael Mears of his account from John Hersey’s classic book, _Hiroshima_. With live violin accompaniment by Chihiro Ono. Co-hosted with the Edinburgh Peace and Justice Centre. We hope to raise money through donations to offer the two Japanese performers payment, for Sands Films streaming the event, and for CND. 7.30pm. The Sands Theatre online.
We will spend an online hour in prayer and reflection together on at 8am. We will meet online at the same time on Friday, Saturday and Sunday for half an hour of prayer and reflection together. As this is the 75th anniversary, you may like to join us in fasting from Thursday – Sunday, or for part of the time (if you are otherwise fit and well). 8am. Zoom.
‘Salisbury CND candle float film’. A solemn and spectacular commemoration of the horrifying nuclear attack on the Japanese city 75 years ago has already occurred under rigorously safe-distanced conditions. Salisbury CND invites you to share the film with your friends.
‘Shabaka Hutchings & Stop the War Present A Composition in Memory of the Victims of Hiroshima’. Jazz saxophonist Shabaka Hutchings will pay a new composition. 7pm. Please register here.
Friday 7 August
‘Music in memory of Hiroshima and Nagasaki’. With leading violinist Susanne Stanzeleit, prize-winning tenor Guy Elliott, folksinger and songwriter Frankie Armstrong and others. Hosted by Kate Hudson – special guest Bruce Kent. Organised by CND and Musicians for Peace and Disarmament in memory of the victims of the nuclear bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. 7pm. This event will be livestreamed on the CND Facebook page. You can also register in advance for the Zoom experience.
Saturday 8 August
‘Hiroshima and Nagasaki never again’. With Japanese activist Yayoi Tsuchida from Gensuikyo, US campaigner Kevin Martin from Peace Action, and CND vice-president Bruce Kent. Hosted by CND general secretary Kate Hudson. Please register here.
Sunday 9 August
‘Nagasaki Day online exhibition’. With photos from peace ceremonies taking place in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, interviews with activists from across the globe, and family-friendly how-to videos so you can make a paper peace crane at home. Also: works by artists including Hannah Kemp-Welch and Peter Kennard. Organised by London CND. From 9am.
‘The Bomb on my back.’ With Reiko Asato , from the Japan Council Against Atomic and Hydrogen Bombs (Gensuikyo) and Joseph Gerson from the American Friends Services Committee. Organised by Greater Manchester & District CND. 1pm–3pm. Zoom. Please register here.
Father Wilhelm was a German Jesuit priest living in Hiroshima at the time of the first atomic bombing. _The Priest’s Tale_ is an adaptation by actor/playwright Michael Mears of his account from John Hersey’s classic book, _Hiroshima_. With live violin accompaniment by Chihiro Ono. Co-hosted with the Edinburgh Peace and Justice Centre. We hope to raise money through donations to offer the two Japanese performers payment, for Sands Films streaming the event, and for CND. 7.30pm. The Sands Theatre online.
75th Anniversary Commemoration Ceremony broadcast live from the London Peace Pagoda. With Bruce Kent, vice-president of CND, and others. 8pm. Please register here.
Southampton CND AGM, followed by a talk by Dr Frank Boulton from Medact. 7.30pm. Zoom.
Saturday 22 August
‘Stop Arming Israel: National Day of Action’. Six years ago, Israel killed over 2,200 Palestinians, nearly a quarter of them children, in an aerial bombardment and ground invasion of besieged Gaza. Despite widespread condemnation of Israel’s deliberate and systematic targeting of the civilian population of Gaza, Britain continues to arm Israel – and to buy high-tech weaponry from Israel. British institutions, including universities, local government pension funds and banks (such as HSBC), invest in companies that supply Israel with weapons. War on Want and Palestine Solidarity Campaign UK are calling on activists to stand outside HSBC branches or other relevant locations, with a relevant graphic, to take photos, and to spread the photos across social media. Please use the hashtag #StopArmingIsrael. War on Want and PSC will supply graphics later to print out.
9 – 15 Sept
‘Earth First! Anti-HS2 Seed Camp.’ Occupying land for skill-shares, workshops and active resistance. Learn about climbing, treehouse building, anarchist organising, land justice, indigenous solidarity, affinity group building, legalities of resistance, campaigning with resilience and generally how to be an all-round safe, productive, supported, stay-out-of-jail, kick-ass activist and have fun while doing it. Location to be announced here (we believe) on 1 September.
Sunday 9 August
‘Anniversary of the execution of Franz Jägerstätter.’ This, year we are delighted to welcome Marian Pallister of Pax Christi Scotland and representatives of Pax Christi Austria to speak. 6.30pm. Zoom.
Thursday 13 August
‘Building Alliances’. Zoom workshop for Scottish activists. Identify potential allies and develop skills to build strategic relationships, in a way that empowers rather than harms. 6pm–8pm. Tripod training collective and Friends of the Earth Scotland. Please register here.
Tuesday 25 August
‘Building Our Movements’. Zoom workshop for Scottish activists. Exploring the idea of ‘movement ecology’ – how we are all connected – for more effective collaboration. 6pm–8pm. Tripod training collective and Friends of the Earth Scotland. Please register here.
Thursday 27 August
‘Conscientious Objection during the First World War’. With Lois Bibbings, professor of law, gender & history at the University of Bristol. Organised by Conscience. 6.30pm. Zoom. More details TBA here.
Thursday 10 September
‘Building Your Story’. Zoom workshop for Scottish activists. Developing skills for telling your personal or organisational story, as a powerful tool for community organising. 6pm–8pm. Tripod training collective and Friends of the Earth Scotland. Please register here.
Saturday 19 September
Women's International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF) UK Annual General Meeting. 11am–4pm. Followed by a screening of a film on Sylvia Pankhurst. This event may take place in person at: 52 – 54 Featherstone Street, London EC1Y 8RT. More info from WILPF.
Monday 21 September
Tuesday 22 September
‘Building Media Skills’. Zoom workshop for Scottish activists. Exploring how and when to use media in your campaign and tools for TV and radio interviews. 6pm–8pm. Tripod training collective and Friends of the Earth Scotland. Please register here.
‘Peace One Day.’ Bromley Peace Council Zoom meeting in conjunction with SE London CND. 7pm–9pm.
Saturday 26 September
The International Day for the Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapons.
Friday 2 October
International Day of Nonviolence (Gandhi’s birthday).
Saturday 3 October
Christian CND Annual General Meeting and annual conference. With Nick Megoran, lecturer in political geography at the University of Newcastle, co-convenor of the Martin Luther King Peace Committee. The Christian CND AGM will take place immediately after the Conference where members will be able to vote for the Executive Committee for the next year. 11am–3pm. Please register here.
Wednesday 14 October
‘Nuclear Information’. Discussing the latest updates on the UK nuclear weapons programme, the links between civil and military nuclear projects and paths towards disarmament. With Jonathon Porritt, Kate Hudson, David Cullen and others. Marking 20 years of the Nuclear Information Service. More details TBA here.
10 & 18 October
‘Campaigning in the post-virus world’. The CND UK AGM and Policy Conference will take place on Saturday 10 October. The following weekend, on Sunday 18 October, London Region CND will host a public conference with discussion and workshops. More details TBA here.
7 – 13 November
International Week of Action Against the Militarisation of Youth
Young Peace Pledge Union members and allies will be joining with people around the world to challenge militarism in schools, local communities and everyday life. More info here. If you are organising an event in the UK or would like support, please get in touch on mail AT ppu.org.uk
Sunday 8 November
Remembrance Sunday
In the run-up to Remembrance Sunday, the Peace Pledge Union will be distributing white poppies and promoting remembrance for all victims of war of all nationalities, alongside the need to work for peace and resist militarism. More details TBA here. PPU: mail AT ppu.org.uk