Features in issue 2668

Regime change begins at home

by Alan Lodge

Nottingham exhibition remembers 2003 anti-war actions

The man who made it all possible

by Emily Johns, Tom Willis

Emily Johns interviews the curate who made the purchase of the Peace House possible.

The birth of Peace House

by Rosa Schling

An extract from an exciting new book

Seven reasons not to wear a red poppy

by Alexandre Christoyannopoulos

Hypocrisy, boosting the military-industrial complex and narrowing solidarity


by Anon

How to carry out a strategy review in a peace organisation


Dave Dellinger

by PN staff

A brief look at the life of the legendary US activist

Property damage, right and wrong

by Dave Dellinger, PN staff

More thoughts from legendary US activist Dave Dellinger

Asylum for COs from Russia, Belarus and Ukraine!

by PN staff

Week of action called for 4 – 10 December

‘A formula of permanent war’

by Milan Rai

Ukrainian pacifist Yurii Sheliazhenko on Zelenskyy's 'peace formula'

Protect Yurii!

by PN staff

Ukrainian pacifist in court for 'absurd' charge