Issue: 2520

April 2010


By Milan Rai, Emily Johns


By Matthew Biddle

Three New Zealand peace activists found not guilty for $1m damage to US spy base.

By PN staff

8,000 women joined the annual “Million Women Rise” International Women’s Day march on 6 March, according to organisers. That’s 3,000 more than last year.

Founded in 1969, Survival is the only international organisation supporting tribal peoples worldwide. It works closely with local indigenous organisations, and focus on tribal peoples who have the most to lose.


We had a reunion recently after 20 years.

By Matthew Biddle

Howard Zinn, US historian and activist, died in January of a heart attack at the age of 87.

By Kate Hudson

Five years ago, I went to visit [the former Labour Party leader] Michael Foot, when I was writing a history of CND. He was kind, witty and utterly committed to nuclear disarmament.

By Maya Evans

This content has been removed from the website on request of the author.

By Gwyn

It may seem a strange preoccupation for a pacifist, but I am very concerned about the injustices suffered by members of the armed forces.

By Felix Padel

State terrorism, corporate mining and nonviolent resistance in India

By Brian Larkin

The upcoming Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) review conference could be the beginning of the end for nuclear weapons.

By Bryan Law

The Waihopai Ploughshares trial

By Declan McCormick

On 13 March, Edinburgh appeared to host two manifestations of popular nationalist sentiment on the same Saturday, one considerably larger than the other.

By Declan McCormick

The attempt by the Scottish Defence League (SDL) to stage a rally in Edinburgh on 20 February was the mother of all damp squibs, as the “patriots” were confined to a couple of pubs in the vicinity of the Royal Mile.

By Stephen Thomas

A four-week inquiry into the £12 billion privatised military training establishment due to be based at St Athan, Vale of Glamorgan in Wales, ended in early February 2010.

By Lotte Reimer

Nelly Maes, president of the Flemish Peace Institute, spoke at the David Davies Memorial Institute (DDMI) in Aberystwyth on 24 February to an audience of students and local people.