Issue: 2523 - 2524

July - August 2010


By Milan Rai, Emily Johns


By Cedric Knight

On 4 June, a jury at Belfast crown court found nine women not guilty of charges including breaking and entering into the Derry offices of arms manufacturer Raytheon during the 2009 Israeli assault on Gaza.

By Dan Viesnik

London mayor Boris Johnson displayed his dedication to free speech on 3 June, by asking the high court to order the immediate eviction of Democracy Village, established on Parliament Square on 1 May.

By Milan Rai, Emily Johns

Australia, Britain, Ireland, the US

By Phil Steele

In response to the murderous Israeli Defence Force attack on a flotilla carrying humanitarian aid to the besieged Palestinian territory of Gaza, Bangor and Ynys Môn (Anglesey) Peace & Justice Group were quickly into action.

Fig Tree is a new initiative to engage the Christian community in Britain on peace and security issues. It aims to preach the gospel of peace in word and deed, and to build and support the Christian peace community here in the UK.


I’ve never been to a festival. I don’t like big crowds.
Woman activist, Oxford

By Alison Williams

Jeffrey Segall was a champion of world peace through a democratically reformed United Nations.

By Jeff Cloves

As deaths – and casualties – mount in Afghanistan and crowds turn out to greet the returning coffins and TV stations show bereaved families united in grief, I imagine the conflicting emotions I feel are shared by most PN readers.

By Roger Stephenson

A visit to Tate Liverpool reveals Picasso as a politically and socially engaged artist, actively involved in politics and the peace movement during the Cold War

By Rachel Sanger

“… parenting is more like nourishing a seed than chiselling stone into a statue” Hugh and Gayle Prather

By David Gribble

This month Peace News is publishing David Gribble’s book on moral development and decline. Here is an extract.

Two letters

By Kathy Kelly, Josh Brollier

The US group Voices for Creative Non-Violence report on civil unrest and a militarised society in Pakistan

By Gabriel Carlyle

David Cameron is retreading old ground in his attempts to justify the war in Afghanistan

By Tim Street

Reflecting on the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty review conference