Issue: 2551

November 2012


Top Stories

Sweet special places

by Derrick Coffee

A Hastings Alliance speech at the Combe Haven Defenders' camp.

Combe Haven Defenders

by Patrick Nicholson

A warning of things to come: a temporary anti-road camp on the South Coast

Defeat Osborne’s road follies

by John Stewart

One of Britain's most effective environmentalists explains how the government's roads programme could be stopped in its tracks at the very beginning.

There are converging agendas for different movements - anti-cuts, climate, disarmament, labour movement...


National Gallery cuts arms link as CAAT wins prize

by PN staff

The Campaign Against Arms Trade celebrates a double victory

Census COs

by PN staff

Conscientious objectors to the 2011 Census in the UK continue their courtroom struggles.

Iran offers negotiated solution as sanctions bite

by Milan Rai

The Iranian nuclear crisis intensifies.

Mass tresspass at Hinkley: six arrested during two-day camp

by David Polden

A variety of protests were seen during a weekend camp at the Hinkley nuclear power station.


The Lucas Aerospace Plan

by PN staff

This article is only available in the paper version of Peace News.

Wobbly Tuesday

by Milan Rai

The day that the MoD scrambled to change its invasion plans

Spain, austerity and police brutality

by Miguel Aguilera

Eye witness: holding Neptuno Square for hours despite a police riot 

Shift capitalism

by Peter Robinson

A new climate-labour coalition.

Cut war, not jobs

by Milan Rai, Emily Johns

Cameron commits £2bn to drones while chopping disability benefits


Scotland, nae place fur NATO?

by Leonna O'Neill

A Faslane Peace Camper explores the possibilities for a nuclear-free and independent Scotland.

Peace Days in Wrexham

by Genny Bove

Wrexham activists organise a three-day festival of peace.

Trident will be outlawed – SNP

by Leonna O'Neill

In an independent Scotland, nuclear weapons will be ruled illegal by the constitution!

Drones walk reaches RAF Waddington

by PN staff

The highlight of the Drones Week of Action 2012 was an eight-day, 90-mile peace walk.

UK spends £2bn on MoD drones – commits £2bn more

by Gabriel Carlyle

There's more and more information and protest about military drones.


Activism and... partying

by PN

Do these words go together? 'Activism' and 'partying'....

35 years ago

by Albert Beale

A PN editor, reporting from the committal hearing (where the prosecution demonstrates to a magistrate that there's a case to answer in a crown court) in the ABC official secrets case, took notes which led to a minor constitutional crisis – not to mention to all the PN staff appearing before the lord chief justice, and later the house of lords. See also the obituary of Crispin Aubrey.

Liverpool Diary: November 2012

by Jennifer Verson

Radio class with Fatoumata, and other incidents.

Obituary: Crispin Aubrey

by Albert Beale

3 January 1946 – 28 September  2012

The never-ending happening

by Jeff Cloves

The Personal Column

There are converging agendas for different movements - anti-cuts, climate, disarmament, labour movement...

Western Sahara
Render unto Caesar
US internment law
Kufr Qaddoum arrests
Guantánamo names