Issue: 2596-2597

August - September 2016


Top Stories

How to hold ‘living room conversations’ about immigration

by Amy Dudley, Chris Crass

Effective anti-racist organising in white rural and working-class communities in the US

It was ‘blood for oil’

by Milan Rai

The British media avoid parts of the Chilcot documents

Brexit: reasons to be cheerful

by Milan Rai

Let’s use this upsurge of energy to root out racism and classism

By Milan Rai


Destroying the inspectors

by Milan Rai

Iraq’s missing weapons – another failure of the Chilcot report

Blair’s coup and Chilcot’s cover-up

by Milan Rai

The goal of the Iraq war was to maintain ‘Saddamism without Saddam’

Wales sings Trident out

by Kelvin Mason

Welsh activists blockade bomb base

2,000 activists block US drones base in Germany

by David Polden

Human chain formed around USAF Ramstein

It’s not a piece of cake...

by PN

PN celebrates 80th birthday

Trident trouble for Corbyn

by PN

Vote imminent as PN goes to press

Court grants judicial review of UK arms exports to Saudi Arabia

by Andrew Smith

3-day investigation to take place next February

TP shuts bomb factory gate for a month

by Chris Bluemel

Red lines, sea monsters & mad hatters join month of action


Solidarity rallies after Brexit

by Lotte Reimer

Vote spurs action against xenophobia

Workers’ upheaval in France

by David Polden

Air controllers & nuclear power station workers join strikes

Why nuclear weapons won’t be around for ever

by Matt Hawkins

150 nations are already laying the legal groundwork to ban nuclear weapons


Circles of light

by George Lakey

The vigil at Philadelphia City Hall in solidarity with Orlando


Challenging sexual violence in activist groups and communities

by Julia Downes

Activists need to examine the unspoken assumptions and power relations already at work in our movements, argues Julia Downes

Not the best day I have ever had

by Benjamin

A passionate Remain supporter writes to his friends about the EU referendum

What is a ‘Living Room Conversation’?

by Rural Organising Collective

A how-to guide by the Rural Organsing Project

Some ways to change attitudes towards ‘damned foreigners’

by Linda Stout

Resources for campaigners struggling for peace and justice in post-Brexit Britain

Brexit, peace and Northern Ireland

by Robin Percival

Back to a hard border?

Acting as if...

by David MacKenzie

Brexit, Scottish independence and Trident – a plan of action


40 years ago: European demilitarisation march

by Albert Beale

Attempts by pacifists to look back at the slaughter of war from an anti-militarist perspective – and official unhappiness at the puncturing of nationalist myths – have a long history.

Diary: 'Will they let you back in the country?'

by Julia Nicolaides

A french activist liiving in Britain reflects on the aftermath of the EU referendum

Gentle Angry People

by Penny Stone

A trip to Palestine connects Penny Stone to Holly Near's famous activist anthem

The Personal Column: A surprising sense of liberation

by Jeff Cloves

Jeff Cloves revels in the discomfort of the political class in the wake of the EU referendum

Cartoons etc