Issue: 2644 - 2645

August 2020 - September 2020


Top Stories

More power than we know

by Ian Sinclair

It’s time to celebrate how the peace movement has managed to limit British inverventions from Afghanistan to Syria

Poor People’s Campaign £1,948 Appeal

by PN staff

Let’s support people who’re trying to change the United States for the better!

Hiroshima & Nagasaki 75 years

by Milan Rai

The Bomb was not ‘a last resort’ argues Milan Rai

We need to remember the real history of Britain's nuclear 'deterrent' argues Milan Rai


What’s happening out there?

by PN staff

How UK activist organisations and radical media have been responding to the current crisis (continued from last issue).

Pouring more fuel on the fire

by PN staff

UK to resume arming war in Yemen, despite pattern of Saudi war crimes

XR re-focuses

by Gabriel Carlyle

2020 strategy encourages action for local demands

Remember Epynt

by Robat Idris

Robat Idris remembers a community lost to a training area for the British army


We’re good at adapting

by Veruschka Selbach

How one independent radical publisher is coping

Housmans forever!

by Catherine Barter

How our much-loved sister project downstairs has been handling the pandemic

Lockdown in the trees

by Indra Donfrancesco

Four months of anti-HS2 eco-activism during the pandemic

Only connect

by Kelvin Mason

The pandemic has broken down barriers for some activists

Making hope possible

by Various

UK campaigners on the books, films and plays that inspire them with their visionary ideas.

The brutal ‘peace’ Britain brought in 1945

by Milan Rai

The forgotten story of what happened after VJ-Day.


Pandemic solidarity

by Helena Silvestre, and others

Extracts from Pluto's new book surveying mutual aid across the globe

‘The most important election in history’ — Chomsky on Trump

by PN, Noam Chomsky

A powerful Democracy Now! interview on the risk of a coup in the US, the climate crisis and the nuclear arms race

Right now, we need to learn how to do the unusual

by George Lakey

The power of activist training in times of rapid change

The myth of the ‘statue-toppling spree’

by Nu'man Abd al-Wahid

British warmongering today is rooted in British history argues Nu'man Abd al-Wahid


Nonviolence training with a difference

by George Lakey

An extract from the new edition of George Lakey's book Facilitating Group Learning

‘You can’t kill the spirit!’

by Chris Savory

A 1980s direct actionist gives us a blast from the past

Radical music: 'No one is free until we are all free'

by Penny Stone

We have no place sharing songs from other cultures if we're not also actively seeking to work against racism, argues Penny Stone

Poynted remarks

by Claire Poyner

Our columnist muses on UCL's ban on romantic and sexual relationships between lecturers and their students

What else

by Rebecca Elson-Watkins

We need a National Care Service argues Rebecca Elson-Watkins

Diary: 'Why do you want to live in our housing co-op?'

by Cath

Our Leeds-based co-operator savours the joys and frustrations of conducting 70 interviews in just 3 weeks