Issue: 2655

August - September 2021


Top Stories

The renewables revolution

by Gabriel Carlyle

A more just, zero-carbon world is now within reach

Terror against terror

by Paul Rogers

Looking back on 20 years since the al-Qa’eda attacks

End Britain's war in Yemen

by Milan Rai

Britain has sold £20bn of arms to Saudi Arabia since 2015

Stop the spread of speedy, more lethal, vaccine-resistant variants


Relentless PA action

by David Polden

Direct action campaign targets arms to Israel

Travellers ‘Drive2Survive’

by PN staff

Nomadic people launch campaign against Police Bill

XR G7 protests

by David Polden

Cornwall actions demand climate action

Disruption can be lawful: supreme court overturns DSEI convictions

by Milan Rai

No Faith in War Four acquittal confirmed

MPs criticise police

by David Polden

Police Bill 'a recipe for the arbitrary use of power' says report

Terror: if we don’t understand it, we can’t stop it

by Milan Rai

If we want a safer country, we need a less violent foreign policy, argues Milan Rai

Thank you, Ahmed

by Milan Rai

No action to be taken against British-Yemeni war resister

'Not fit to govern'

by PN

Unity demo demands 'new normal'

Make The Wave – Y Don

by Lotte Reimer

Coastal communities send climate message to G7

Government seeks to shield soldiers

by Rebecca Elson-Watkins

UK 'debasing natural justice' says Amnesty International


Obituary: Penny Walker: 22 October 1950 - 21 May 2021

by Andrea Mbarushimana

Dedicated activist and co-founder of the Coventry Peace House.

Obituary: Penny Eastwood / Dongria Kondh: 28 July 1955 – 14 June 2021

by Cath

Climate campaigner who left a legacy of over half a million trees


by Kathryn Southworth

A poem by Kathryn Southworth

I want a people's vaccine

by Emily Johns

A free window poster


Churchill said what?

by Milan Rai

How Britain’s wartime prime minister urged alternatives to using the atom bomb

In search of hope

by David Gee

Cracks are being torn in the elite narrarive that has long framed its violence as a public service, writes David Gee

In our own words

by Reece Evans

Young volunteer interviewers have compiled an oral history of 5 Caledonian Road

The lost history of Frating Hall Farm

by Ken Worpole

When pacifism and ‘the new life’ headed to the countryside

Israel ‘is an apartheid state’

by Leah Levane

Jewish opinions are changing...

Loving Peter Tatchell

by Peter Tatchell, Rebecca Elson-Watkins

To mark the premiere of a new Netflix documentary, Hating Peter Tatchell, we interviewed the legendary human rights activist

What they don’t tell you in school

by Thomas Kearney

Mental health and the military


What else

by Rebecca Elson-Watkins

Our children can't continue to pay the price for Tory austerity, argues Rebecca Elson-Watkins

Diary: 'An awkward segue from outdoor nudity to the boardroom of Co-operatives UK'

by Cath

Our Leeds co-operator celebrates some of the joyous, proactive, determined and curious actions she's experienced recently

Beyond the barricades

by Ambrose Musiyiwa

Ambrose Musiyiwa reflects on the power of festivals

Radical music: 'Sing, John Ball and tell it to them all - long live the day that is dawning!'

by Penny Stone

Penny Stone goes in search of some English inspiration

Poynted remarks

by Claire Poyner

Our columnist develops an interest in football ...

Cartoons etc

Telford by Tony Telford