by Netpol
The government is trying to intimidate anti-militarists into ending their campaigns
by Milan Rai
Doesn’t support an immediate permanent ceasefire? Don’t vote for them
How the Gaza ceasefire negotiations broke down
Corporate and financial capture of the state, not peaceful protest, is the real threat to democracy argues Milan Rai
When it comes to not increasing military spending, a large section of the public is open to persuasion
by PN staff
Jewish-Arab peace group form 'humanitarian guard'
Group force closure of factory owned by Elbit Systems
Court grants whistleblower further appeal
'The most moving speech I have ever heard in this courtroom'
Encampments at over 130 US universities and beyond
Ships attempting to break siege
by Ian Sinclair
New report on getting 'the world back on a path to nuclear disarmament'
Christian peace activists found guility over Gaza protest
Memorial banner to be displayed in Venice
Ukrainian pacifist sets fire to draft card on international CO day
Group takes 'living pictures' of Palestinian pain to London
Anti-nuke protest, 13 - 25 July
Peace group pays for bus stop ads
Anti-war badges prove popular at demos
Prisoners released, UK arms sales continue
Groups condemn attempt 'to whip up everyday militarism and nationalist fervour'
GP suspended for five months over climate action
by Marc Morgan, Alain Refalo
An interview with a leading figure in the French peace movement
by Sam Bannon
Creating an ambitious new peace network
by SEG
A tribute to PN's late cartoonist, Sarah Guthrie
by PN, Anonymous
Pro-Palestine activists in Scotland have taken a stand outside Holyrood
More threats to squash protest – from a former Labour MP
Responses from different parts of the activist movements
An invitation to submit your ideas
Order your copies now!
by Rebecca Elson-Watkins
General election? I'll see you on the doorsteps ...
by Cath
'We're becoming a social hub'
by Virginia Moffatt
The many worlds of Ursula le Guin
by Penny Stone
'There are songs that beat the drums of war'
by Claire Poyner
Reduce, reuse, recycle?
by Joanna Guthrie
Cartoonist and peace campaigner with a keen sense of the absurd
by Mo Moseley
Long-time peace campaigner who helped George Blake escape from Wormwood Scrubs
by Devere Allen
Looking back at the 15 June 1945 issue of PN, we discovered this little gem on p3
The best laid plans ...