by Milan Rai, Emily Johns
Australia, Britain, Ireland, the US
by Kathy Kelly, Josh Brollier
The US group Voices for Creative Non-Violence report on civil unrest and a militarised society in Pakistan
by Rachel Sanger
“… parenting is more like nourishing a seed than chiselling stone into a statue” Hugh and Gayle Prather
by Roger Stephenson
A visit to Tate Liverpool reveals Picasso as a politically and socially engaged artist, actively involved in politics and the peace movement during the Cold War
by Tim Street
Reflecting on the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty review conference
Two letters
by David Gribble
This month Peace News is publishing David Gribble’s book on moral development and decline. Here is an extract.
by Gabriel Carlyle
David Cameron is retreading old ground in his attempts to justify the war in Afghanistan