Comments in issue 2540-2541

Occupy diary glimpses from the north

by Anna Harris

Anna Harris on the occupations in Manchester and Bradford

Obscene amounts of money

by Milan Rai

The government boosted company profits, while increasing inequality and global hunger

Occupy Britain roundup

by PN staff

Which UK Occupations are still up and running?

Drones kill "blobs in shadows"

by Chris Cole

The human reality behind the statistics

Sound & fury

by Gabriel Carlyle

Afghan "President" powerless to stop US killings

Assassination raids kill civilians

by Gabriel Carlyle

Are night raids now the main cause of civilian deaths in Afghanistan?

Census news

by PN staff

Refusers face trial for arms protests

Armistice day

by PN staff

On 11 November, 25 people gathered on the steps of St Paul's Cathedral behind a banner “Mourn the Dead! Heal the Wounded! End the Wars!”. Pictured are Matthew Horne Iraq veteran (left), Ben Griffin Iraq and Afghanistan veteran (right), Ciaron O’Reilly, Catholic worker (centre).