Comments in issue 2549

Hiroshima fast in Paris

by Dominique Lalanne

European activists mark bomb anniversary

Scottish anti-NATO coalition formed

by Brian Larkin

Activists mobilise to pressure SNP

Nagasaki day at Nationalist's headquarters

by Jane Tallents

Die-in at SNP HQ

Trident at risk

by Milan Rai, Emily Johns

Activists force nuclear disclosure

Chiapas community threatened with attack

by Maria Gomez

Zapatistas call for international solidarity

Withdrawal de-escalating Afghan war - report

by Gabriel Carlyle

Partial US troop withdrawal leads to drop in Taliban attacks

Lawyers challenge UK over Afghan 'kill list'

by Gabriel Carlyle

Afghan bank worker pursues judicial review over assassinations

Pit props

by PN

Armpits 4 August ...

No cycling - it's the Olympics

by David Polden

182 arrested at Critical Mass action

Vulture fund loses case

by PN staff

Privy council rules against FG Hemisphere