Comments in issue 2568-2569

Editorial: Nukes, coups and referenda: myth and reality in the Ukraine crisis

by Milan Rai

Peace News co-editor Milan Rai analyses Ukraine, western hypocrisy, the role (not) played by nuclear weapons in the ongoing crisis, claims that the US organised a "fascist coup" in Ukraine, the "referendum" in Crimea, and the path away from war.

35 years ago: Where next?

by Albert Beale

In the 1970s, Peace News carried frequent, and sometimes vitriolic, debates about the Middle East, often sparked by anger on the part of some readers at the uncompromisingly anti-Zionist line of its regular contributor – and sometime Middle East Editor – Uri Davis (himself a Jewish Palestinian). From time to time, as here, PN spelt out its own view.

Activism and... Spring

by PN


A heart-breaking work of staggering genius

by Marc Hudson

Activism and fiction

Calling for Peace

by Ann Kramer

The Women's Peace Congress

Time to get a grip on technology!

by Dave King

Breaking the Frame, May 2014