Comments in issue 2572-2573

Women win legal victory over police spies cover-up

by PN staff

Judge order further disclosures by end of July


by PN staff

British activists head for Beirut

Palestinians continue nonviolent campaigns

by David Polden

83 hospitalised during hunger strike

A Welsh memorial in Flanders

by Lotte Reimer

Killed soldiers remembered

Saying No to NATO

by Jill Gough

Actions planned against Newport summit

Crime reported in Llandrindod

by Angie Zelter

Nukes shopped to cops

Wales against fracking

by Kelvin Mason

Giant red dragon gathers signatures in Aberystwyth

Wool against weapons ‘trial runs’

by Lotte Reimer

Knitters prepare for nine-mile Aldermaston action

Afghans pay price for US refusal to make peace

by Gabriel Carlyle

A sharp increase in civilian casualties in Afghanistan following the closure of some US/NATO bases suggests that ordinary Afghans are now paying the price for the US decision to block earlier peace initiatives.


by Gabriel Carlyle

As the UK sends five additional armed Reaper drones to Afghanistan, campaigners continue to challenge government secrecy surrounding British drone operations.