Comments in issue 2584-2585

Anti-austerity protests sweep across the UK

by PN staff

250,000 march in London as meals on wheels slashed by 81%

Making nonviolence more powerful

by PN staff

Making PN more useful to our movements?

Peace News needs you!

by PN staff

Volunteers needed to categorise, code, pack and sell.

Stopping flights at Heathrow

by PN staff

Climate change activists take action in wake of Airports Commission recommendations

Cameron: more money for drone wars

by Chris Cole

UK set to escalate unmanned attacks

Palestinian prisoners

by David Polden

Khader Adnan released after 55 day hunger strike

No charges yet for Trident whistle-blower

by David Polden

MoD rubbish McNeilly allegations

Israeli ‘piracy’ halts Gaza Freedom Flotilla III

by David Polden

Swedish ship boarded & passengers detained

Conference launches ‘Fly Kites Not Drones’ pack

by Andrew Gibson

New education pack to be released

Not digging for victory!

by PN staff

6,000 sign petition against new opencast coal mine