by Devin Allen
Photographer Devin Allen aims to inspire love, respect & community action
by PN staff
Canada and Germany halt arms sales to Saudi as Yemen humanitarian crisis grows
by Jane Harries
Jane Harries surveys Wales' 'hidden histories'
by Benjamin
Benjamin reports on PN's digital tools dayschool
by PN
Upcoming PN workshop: Thursday 14 – Sunday 17 June 2018
by Charlie Kiss
A trans man responds to our coverage of the 2017 London Anarchist Bookfair
by Robin Percival
Robin Percival finds Northern Ireland's non-Unionist parties united by a new civil rights agenda
by Ann van Staveren, Tim Gee
Quakers commit to welcoming migrants
by George Lakey
The lonely scholar who became a nonviolent warrior
by Holly-Rae Smith, Milan Rai
Peace News interviews a working-class woman about the difference CAAT’s paid internship made to her life