by Extinction Rebellion
XR responds to criticisms around goals
by Gabriel Carlyle
Extinction Rebellion's 'strategy' can't work but there are alternatives, argues Gabriel Carlyle
Eric Stoner, co-founder of the US radical nonviolence website Waging Nonviolence, spoke recently to PN staffer Gabriel Carlyle
by Antje Mattheus
Seeing the humanity in her enemies enabled one German activist to derail an attack by a motorcycle gang. In this piece, originally published on the Waging Nonviolence website, Antje Mattheus teases out some of the lessons for activists.
by Robin Percival
Robin Percial reflects on the strengths of Northern Ireland's civil rights movement
by George Lakey
Activists need to go on the offensive argues veteran campaigner George Lakey
by Emily Johns
New artwork by Emily Johns
by Rebecca Elson-Watkins
Responses to PN's peace group Brexit questionnaire.
by PN staff
11-day exhibition marks end of PN touring show
A PN staffer comments on the new climate direct action campaign