Comments in issue 2636 - 2637

Poynted remarks

by Claire Poyner

'Making some statements out loud causes them to be true, did you know?'

Bruce Kent: As I please

by Bruce Kent

A different kind of life is possible

Diary: 'next time, I think I’ll leave my car at home'

by Catherine Bann

Cath Bann is caught up in the maelstrom

Obituary: Cynthia Cockburn: 24 July 1934 – 12 September 2019

by Lotte Reimer

Feminist and peace activist who wrote books on

Radical Music: 'Gracias A La Vida'

by Penny Stone

Penny Stone surveys some of the songs being sung at the mass protests in Chile, Hong Kong and Lebanon

Case Study: Brazil, 1977–1988

by PN staff

Rubber tappers defend the rainforest

Vote for a Green New Deal

by Milan Rai

Yes, this is a climate election – there are real choices in front of us

Steer a course around Brexiternity

by Milan Rai

A democratic and unifying way of sorting out the Brexit crisis

Obituary: Donald Rooum: 20 April 1928 – 31 August 2019

by PN staff

Cartoonist and life-long anarchist who exposed a corrupt London police officer