Comments in issue 2636 - 2637

Veterans remember

by PN staff

White poppy wreath laid at Cenotaph

Standing with Catalonia

by Bethan Roberts

Solidarity with jailed independence campaigners

The rights of Welsh language speakers in Wales

by Carol Jenkins

Rise in complaints over Welsh-speaking bans

Climate action continues

by Lotte Reimer

Aberystwyth strikers hold People's Assembly

Remembrance Day

by Lotte Reimer

Bangor city council follows Aberystwyth’s lead

Six million join two global strikes for the climate

by PN staff

‘We are not sinking, we are fighting’

Iraq erupts – over 330 die in clashes

by PN staff

Corruption, unemployment and opposition to Iranian interference three key factors behind unarmed protests

Write to Julian, Chelsea and the other peace prisoners

by PN staff

Doctors fear for Assange's health

Marking August 1969: remember Patrick Rooney

by Milan Rai

How Northern Ireland's 'Troubles' really began

Going fossil-free

by PN staff

East Sussex divestment campaigners to launch nonviolent action campaign