Issue: 2667

August - September 2023


Top Stories

Stopping arms sales, winning CO status

by Milan Rai, Choi Jungmin

A leading South Korean peace activist sets out some of World Without War’s successes – and the value of international peace gatherings 

Even Churchill thought Hiroshima was unnecessary

by Milan Rai

Churchill believed there were two non-atomic ways of bringing about a Japanese surrender

Vicious in Vilnius

by PN

Reactions from two major peace groups to the NATO summit  

Andreas Malm's book 'How to blow up a pipeline' - and the film it inspired - are both asking the wrong question, argues Milan Rai


Anti-asylum moves

by David Polden

Activists aquitted as "illegal migration" bill becomes law

Yemen: mixed news

by PN

British-backed war continues as aid programmes forced to close for lack of funding

Four more Palestine Action prisoners

by David Polden

Campaigners block sewage pipes at arms factory

Censoring peace

by PN

Call for Global Week of Action for peace in Ukraine

‘Swap Ukrainian land for peace’?

by Milan Rai

Ex-Zelenskyy advisor suggests trading 20 percent of land for peace

Climate action

by PN

Legal challenges, trials and 2,350 arrests


Ukraine sunflower

by Peter Phillips

A poem by Peter Phillips

Anti-BDS law

by David Polden

Labour abstains on bill targeting campaign against Israeli apartheid

More Conservative attacks on the right to protest

by PN

Tories making 'law by the back door’

Assange – one more try

by PN

High court judge rejects whistleblower's appeal

Claire is leaving!

by PN

PN wishes a fond farewell to its current admin worker

Spycops ops shopped

by David Polden

Spying on campaigners 'unjustified' says official inquiry

A win in Montenegro!

by David Swanson

US military prevented from destroying mountains


Barbara Deming

by Money for Women

A brief account of the life of an inspiring nonviolent revolutionary

Barbara Deming

by Barbara Deming

Extracts from two of her most famous essays

Propaganda, not history

by Milan Rai

Milan Rai reviews Serhii Plokhy's book The Russo-Ukrainian War

Putting your life on the line: Harold Steele

by PN

A forgotten story of global solidarity, the birth of the Direct Action Committee and the inspiration for the first environmental direct action boat, the Golden Rule  

Ocean Rebellion

by PN

Protesting the International Maritime Organisation's climate conference

The Bomb defends ‘vital interests’ in the Global South

by Milan Rai

Join PN in shining a light on shocking UK policies


Obituary: Roy St Pierre 11 December 1945 – 5 April 2023

by Kerris Casey-St Pierre

Gentle peace campaigner with a 'rainbow soul'

Obituary: Daniel Ellsberg 7 April 1931 – 16 June 2023

by Kate Hudson, Ken Butigan

Former nuclear war planner who leaked the Pentagon Papers and joined the peace movement

Obituary: April Carter: 22 November 1937 – 16 August 2022

by Andrew Rigby

Iron-willed writer and activist who played key role in the first wave of British anti-nuclear protest

Poynted remarks

by Claire Poyner

Have we 'moved beyond judging people for being rich'?

What else

by Rebecca Elson-Watkins

The Tories are making it harder for anyone who isn't part of the Ruling Class to get an education, argues Rebecca Elson-Watkins

Diary: 'It's an exercise in imagining the worst'

by Cath

Our South Yorkshire-based anarcho-communard turns the risk register on its head

'Mother Country Radicals'

by Chris Cole

Chris Cole considers a podcast looking at violent resistance to US imperialism in the 1970s

Radical Music: 'Oh bonny Potmore'

by Penny Stone

'Remember Chipko and embrace the trees.'

Cartoons etc

Andreas Malm's book 'How to blow up a pipeline' - and the film it inspired - are both asking the wrong question, argues Milan Rai

Pay everyone!
Pay nothing!
Paying the price
First Nations win
Divestment win
Energy debt win