Issue: 2668

October - November 2023


Top Stories

Protect Yurii!

by PN staff

Ukrainian pacifist in court for 'absurd' charge

Protect Olga!

by #protection4olga

Campaign launched to demand asylum for Belarusian peace builder

No phoney peace summit

by Milan Rai

The ‘Ukrainian peace formula’ is a formula for more war

Milan Rai reflects on the recent Active Resistance to the Roots of War (ARROW) reunion

Where should PN put its creative energies next year?


Stop the arms fair

by David Polden

Nine arrested on "No Faith in War" day

Half the world supports TPNW

by PN staff

Bahamas signs anti-nuke treaty

Palestine Action acquittals, actions

by David Polden

Freedom of Information requests reveal Israeli embassy has been lobbying the UK attorney general’s office over prosecutions in the UK

‘Defend Our Juries’

by David Polden

Campaigners risk arrest with 'right to acquit' signs 

Asylum for COs from Russia, Belarus and Ukraine!

by PN staff

Week of action called for 4 – 10 December


Trials of the climate resistance

by David Polden

Direct action dips in face of legal action

Lakenheath weapons inspectors blocked by USAF

by Padraig McCarrick

Nationwide day of action as evidence grows that US priming Lakenheath for new guided nukes

Assange – now for Day X

by PN staff

Sign-up now for high court protest

Marking Hiroshima and Nagasaki

by PN staff

Four-day gathering in Bristol

5,000 activities during Campaign Nonviolence

by PN staff

Over 60,000 take part in days of action 

Peace activists visit Zaporizhzhya

by PN staff

Latest on project to provide unarmed civilian protection for Ukrainian nuclear power plant 

Goodbye Claire!

by PN staff

PN admin worker retires after 16 years


'They fired on us like rain'

by Kathy Kelly

US policy towards Saudi Arabia ensures continued bloodshed, hunger, division and destabilisation

‘A formula of permanent war’

by Milan Rai

Ukrainian pacifist Yurii Sheliazhenko on Zelenskyy's 'peace formula'

‘Declaration of War’

by Dave Dellinger

Dave Dellinger’s militant 1945 manifesto of radical nonviolence

Property damage, right and wrong

by Dave Dellinger, PN staff

More thoughts from legendary US activist Dave Dellinger

Dave Dellinger

by PN staff

A brief look at the life of the legendary US activist


by Anon

How to carry out a strategy review in a peace organisation


Seven reasons not to wear a red poppy

by Alexandre Christoyannopoulos

Hypocrisy, boosting the military-industrial complex and narrowing solidarity

The birth of Peace House

by Rosa Schling

An extract from an exciting new book

The man who made it all possible

by Emily Johns, Tom Willis

Emily Johns interviews the curate who made the purchase of the Peace House possible.

Regime change begins at home

by Alan Lodge

Nottingham exhibition remembers 2003 anti-war actions


Obituary: Brian Larkin: 3 January 1960 - 26 August 2023

by Chris Booth

Gentle but tireless campaigner for peace and justice

Poynted remarks

by Claire Poyner

Should we really expect the RSPB to spend time actively campaigning on the arms trade?

What else

by Rebecca Elson-Watkins

Things have not gone far enough – not by a long shot, argues Rebecca Elson-Watkins

Diary: 'I call it "the bureaucracy of the revolution"'

by Cath

'If we don’t take ourselves seriously, why would anyone else?' asks our South Yorkshire-based anarcho-communard


by PN staff

Should campaigners block OpenAI from scraping their websites?

Radical Music: 'A Child of Our Time'

by Penny Stone

'I walked home in tears after the first two rehearsals because it felt so pertinent'

Jottings of an anarchist book-freak

by Dennis Gould

A classic piece by Dennis Gould

Cartoons etc

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