by Milan Rai
Why ‘humanitarian pauses’ are not enough
Milan Rai dismantles one of the most powerful lies about the current crisis in Gaza
by Rebecca Elson-Watkins
A rapid survey of the last two months of UK climate activism
Don't let the US and Britain wreck the Yemeni-Saudi peace process
Expulsions are not the answer, argues Milan Rai
Britain is involved in Israel’s criminal war of destruction
by Dr Mona El-Farra
The director of Gaza Projects for the Middle East Children's Alliance on the latest Israeli attack
by PN staff
Lawyers detail violations of international humanitarian law
by Felicity Laurence
Weeks of protest across the UK
500,000+ march for peace on 11 November
Annual march demands justice for unexplained deaths in custody
Activists sit-in in Sanders' office over Ukraine stance
Anarchists exclude anarchists for not excluding other anarchists
by Rosie
Week of protest targets fossil fuel conference
Sign up for mass protest on date of 'last chance' court date
Jews for Justice for Palestinians and Parents Circle - Families Forum speak at alternative remembrance ceremony
Direct action group launches 'underground manual' amidst flurry of ongoing actions
The names of 261 children from Gaza and Israel killed since 7 October
by Yurii Sheliazhenko
Open letter from a Ukrainian facing prison for speaking for peace
by Felicity Laurence, The Villages Group
Report from an Israeli-Palestinian peace group
by Jewish Voice for Labour
'Killing from 20,000 feet is no less immoral than killing at close quarters'
by Erica Smith
A sneak-peak of a new exhibition at The Barbican
by Penny Stone
'The children are always ours, every single one'
by Henrietta Cullinan
'It is indeed a feeling that ‘something just ain’t right.’'
by Peace Museum, PN
'Force of nature' peace campaigner who served eleven prison sentences
by Peace Pledge Union
Pacifist imprisoned for 'incitement to disaffection', renowned for his knowledge of peace movement history
by Claire Poyner
Why are we all working so much?
'I couldn't contain my empathy, my anger, or my amazement'
The way propaganda uses language is both insidious and dangerous, says Rebecca Elson-Watkins
Our long-standing news editor hangs up his (PN) keyboard