Issue: 2539

November 2011


Top Stories

The Peace News guide: How to occupy!

by PN

There is a lot of anger out there – and a lot of support for the Occupy movement. Get started where you live with this quick guide.

OCCUPY THE WORLD! The story so far

by Andrea Needham

Peace News takes a look at the Occupy movements that are taking the world by storm

Occupy Washington

by Starhawk

There’s no substitute for the outrage of the streets.

A perspective on events in Libya.

News from Afghanistan

Visiting Afghanistan

by Maya Evans

Afghan torture

by Gabriel Carlyle

The UN has found compelling evidence of systematic torture in five facilities run by the Afghan intelligence agency (NDS) – including at least one facility deemed safe for detainee transfers in the UK high court last year.

Afghanistan: peace talks not yet dead

by PN staff

The September assassination of Burhanuddin Rabbani, chairman of Afghanistan’s High Peace Council – the body established to seek peace talks with the Taliban - by an alleged Taliban envoy appeared to derail any prospect of a negotiated end to the war.

NATO’s hidden Afghan victims

by Gabriel Carlyle

NATO claims to have killed at least 3,873 individuals – and detained a further 7,146 – since December 2009, but how many of these were actually civilians?

Making media

In the wake of the Rebellious Media Conference, Peace News takes a look at what the conference achieved, how to work with the mainstream media and interview Matthew Alford, author of Reel Power: Hollywood cinema and American supremacy.

Hollywood at war

by Ian Sinclair

Peace News explores the politics of cinema with Matthew Alford, author of Reel Power: Hollywood cinema and American supremacy

Rebel voices

by Milan Rai

Reflections on the Rebellious Media Conference, London, October 2011

Rebellious Media Conference

by PN staff

Over 1,100 people crowded into London’s Institute for Education on 8 October for the start of the Rebellious Media Conference (RMC), organised by Peace News, Ceasefire, NUJ, Red Pepper, Undercurrents and visionOntv.

Other news

Aldermaston women descend on Faslane

by Leonna O'Neill

Women from Aldermaston Women’s Peace Camp visit the home of Britain’s Trident nuclear weapons system.

Red Dragon Newsround

by PN staff

News from Wales.

Solar meltdown at nuclear demo

by Dr Vole

A report from the Hinkley Point blockade.

Maikel forcibly hospitalised

by Andrea Needham

Imprisoned Egyptian pacifist blogger Maikel Nabil Sanad has been sent to Abbasseya psychiatric hospital for examination.

SOCPAvistas, sleep on!

by David Polden

New legislation to curtail protest around Parliament.

Michael Lyons’ appeal fails

by Andrea Needham

Michael Lyons, the navy medic who was jailed for seven months for refusing, on moral and ethical grounds, to attend rifle training, has lost his appeal against conviction.

other comment & features

Activism and... criminal records

by PN

This morning I was sacked... again. Not because of anything I had done, or not done, in my job; I had been a model worker in my work as a trainee (unpaid and therefore without rights) teaching assistant.

Poppy history

by Peace Pledge Union

A brief history of remembrance the pacifist way.

Poppy politics

by Emma Sangster

Poppies, poppies, poppies – we are entering the season of remembrance and of the ubiquitous red on the lapel of every public figure and increasingly on the front of buses, on products, in schools and just about everywhere.

The Wreckage of Gillie Woodiwis


The painter, Lorna Vahey, on how a veteran from the First World War influenced her father's pacifism.

Cartoons etc