Campaign Profile: Transition Towns/The Transition Network

IssueSeptember 2008

A “Transition Initiative” is a community working together to address this BIG question: “for all those aspects of life that this community needs in order to sustain itself and thrive, how do we significantly increase resilience (to mitigate the effects of Peak Oil) and drastically reduce carbon emissions (to mitigate the effects of Climate Change)?”
An Initiating Group raises awareness, connects with existing groups in the community, builds bridges to local government, forms groups to look at all the key areas of life and starts projects. The aim is to eventually launch a community-defined, community-implemented “Energy Descent Action Plan” over a 15-20 year timescale.
There are 90 official Transition Towns (conforming to 16-point criteria) in Australia, Chile, New Zealand, the US, Wales, Scotland, Ireland and England.
The “Transition Network” was set up in spring 2007 to support Transition Initiatives around the world. It is building a range of materials, training courses, events, tools and techniques, and a general support capability, to help these communities.

See more of: Campaign profile