Issue: 2550

October 2012


Top Stories

French nuke scene

by Marc Morgan

A survey of current French campaigns against nuclear weapons.

Cuba Missile Crisis items from PN, 2 November 1962

by PN

Stories from the Cuban Missile Crisis...


Charcoal Three found guilty

by Pat Gaffney

Three Catholic peace activists were found guilty of criminal damage for writing on the ministry of defence with charcoal.

GM fears revived

by PN staff

New experiments on rats seem to confirm the dangers of eating genetically-engineered food.

Yacoob and Hudson resign over Galloway remarks

by PN staff

Two leading members of the Respect party have stood down from high-profile positions in the party over remarks on the nature of rape by Respect MP George Galloway.

Global anger against Vedanta

by PN staff

Mining company's operations spark protests.

Palestine resists austerity, repression and enclosure

by David Polden

Campaigning inside Palestine - against the Palestine authority as well as against Israeli occupation

Diggers 2012 win partial victory

by David Polden

A partial victory for Runnymede Eco-Village

Drone campaign news

by Gabriel Carlyle

Updates on UK campaigning against armed drones

Afghanistan: drones versus peace

by Gabriel Carlyle

On the eleventh anniversary of the invasion of Afghanistan, a new opportunity for a negotiated solution is being blocked.


Anarchist Sabbath

by Cath

A secular tool for sustainability.

Diversity of tactics and the 1%

by George Lakey

The practical advantages of nonviolent strategies in mobilising for revolution. 

Nuke news


by Linda Rogers

Faslane Peace Camp interrupt nuclear weapons seminar

by Leonna O'Neill

Faslane Peace Campers disrupt the indoctrination of the young, and come across a startlingly honest letter from the MoD.

Och, och, there's a monster in the loch

by Jane Tallents

Singers tackle Trident nuclear weapons base

Ynys Môn, nuclear power and the new China Syndrome

by Phil Steele

The latest moves in the opposition to the troubled Wylfa B nuclear power plant.

Indian police kill anti-nuclear power resister

by Milan Rai

Two local fishermen have died protesting against the activation of the Kudankulam nuclear power plant in Tamil Nadu, India.


19 October Dale Farm anniversary

by Emily Johns

A letter to Peace News, thinking now of Dale Farm, Essex.

40 years ago: Approaches to nonviolent revolution

by Albert Beale

Soon after PN first regularly added the subtitle 'for nonviolent revolution' to its masthead, Bob Overy (who'd worked on the paper not long before) wrote a two-part article analysing the many different takes on the subject. This is part of his setting the scene for the two pieces.

Activism and... getting started

by PN

The early days...

Liverpool Diary: October 2012

by Jennifer Verson

Rose Howey Housing Co-op finally get to buy their house.

Cartoons etc

Almost... by SEG

Come and join our team by Tony Telford

Roouminations by Linda Rogers

Jill's Defence Weekly by Jill Gibbon