Please help an Afghan family survive this winter, by giving a donation to the Peace News Kabul Winter Appeal. Please make your donation before Friday 21 December to enable us to send your contribution directly to the camp, with nothing deducted for administration, at the beginning of January.
300 families live in the Chamne Babak refugee camp on a derelict site in District 2 of Kabul. They have no access to electricity or clean water. Most of them returned to Afghanistan in early 2002 having fled the Taliban regime and the civil war that preceded it.
Left destitute by poverty, their tents are no match for the Afghan winter. They remain homeless and trapped by mass unemployment.
Last year’s Peace News Winter Appeal raised £1693, which was used to buy a large stock of firewood (pictured above), flour, sugar and tea — all bought at a sharp discount (see PN 2542). In 2010, a smaller ad hoc collection was turned into nearly a ton of food and fuel for the people of the camp.
Please give as generously as you can by donating online or by sending a cheque made out to ‘Peace News’ (with ‘Kabul Winter Appeal’ written on the back).