Additional info
‘A Nobel Peace laureate who personally oversees a vast international programme of extrajudicial killings by remote control. Communities living under the “invisible shadow” of corporations. Millions fixated on screens, habituated to war and violence, subtly disenfranchised, instilled with a choking, all-pervasive conformism, and creepily detached from so much they should surely be concerned about, not least the destruction of what may be the only home we have in the universe. — My Peace News pictures are cries of protest against all of that. But they’re also acts of faith, crude lanterns left at the window in the hope that someone will see them out there in the dark.’
Also in this issue
Can you smell gas?
Destroying Syria to save it?
An anarchist among jihadists
A Persian peace
2013: the year of Iran
Israel assassinated Hamas leader ‘to avoid ceasefire’
Newport peace poppies
345 drone strikes: four civilians dead?
UK torture transfers
Thousands join 68-day Kurdish hunger strike
Editorial: Anti-semitism, Zionism, BDS and PN
Liverpool Diary: December 2012
Dai Vaughan: 6 September 1933 - 6 June 2012
Remembrance Sunday
Supporting Peace News this winter …and enjoying yourself in the process