Issue: 2557

May 2013


Top Stories

Faslane Peace Camp faces closure

by The Campers

A proposal

Scrap Trident

by PN staff

On 15 April, 47 campaigners were arrested as hundreds of people from as far away as New Zealand converged on Faslane naval base, home to the Trident nuclear missile submarine system, 25 miles north of Glasgow.

On Thatcher’s moments of vulnerability

More news

The economy: a big game

by PN staff

On 15 April, as part of the Global Day of Action Against Military Spending, Campaign Against Arms Trade (CAAT), Pax Christi, War on Want, the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND) and others joined together to take their message to parliament in London.

Real world drones

by Gabriel Carlyle

Recent polls suppress the disturbing realities behind US and UK drone strikes


Memorials for German deserters

by Annette Bygott

30,000 German soldiers deserted during the Second World War: 20,000 were executed

Creatively agreeing

by Timothy Bidon

An interview with Seeds for Change

Taking a lead from the Global South

by Milan Rai

Peace News Summer Camp breaks new ground

Sex & drugs & off the dole

by Judith Cole

Disabled people tell Atos Stories

You redact, we react

by Gabriel Carlyle

The anti-roads campaigners take on the department for transport over Combe Haven

Txt it!

by PN

The uses of texting for activists

And more news

By the Waters

by Kelvin Mason

2014 and a Wales Peace Institute

by Kelvin Mason

Jill Evans, Plaid Cymru MEP, is calling on Wales’ first minister to make peace the theme of next year’s centenary commemorations of the start of the First World War.

Thatcher sparks solidarity

by PN staff

One of the most creative responses to the death of former British prime minister Margaret Thatcher on 8 April was a website called ‘Don’t Hate, Donate’.


50 years ago: PPU stays on the fence

by Albert Beale

Whether to work more with peace campaigns with limited aims, at the expense of concentrating on the fundamental issue of the rejection of war itself, is a never-ending debate within pacifist organisations. Here, Harry Mister reports from the 1963 AGM of the Peace Pledge Union.

Liverpool gains a gem!

by Howard Clark

A send-off to long-time PN volunteer, Martyn Lowe

Diary: Thinking about group dynamics

by Hannah Lewis

In March I spent a week in the eco-cabins at the Centre for Alternative Technology in Wales, at a workshop organised by trainers from three training collectives – Rhizome, Tripod and Seeds for Change.

Self portrait

by Annette Bygott

“I was doing a self-portrait around the time when the firestorm on Iraq started. That was ten years ago. It was the beginning of the immoral and illegal onslaught on people like us. Thinking of their religion and ancient culture, I gave myself a kind of hijab to say where and with whom my heart was at that hour of unfolding horror.”

Cartoons etc