Issue: 2584-2585

August 2015 - September 2015


Top Stories

Why was the Iran nuclear deal 10 years late?

by Milan Rai

Iranian offers which have been erased from history

A modest proposal

by Campaign Against Climate Change Trade Union Group

Trade unionists and climate activists call for massive investment to create a million climate jobs

Pouring more fuel on the fire

by Ian Sinclair

The case against airstrikes on Syria

On our way to a peaceful, stable world, we need Just Transitions to bridge the gap


Peace News needs you!

by PN staff

Volunteers needed to categorise, code, pack and sell.

Peace News Summer Camp

by PN staff

Community building, 30 July - 3 August

Stopping flights at Heathrow

by PN staff

Climate change activists take action in wake of Airports Commission recommendations

Making nonviolence more powerful

by PN staff

Making PN more useful to our movements?

Anti-austerity: the dragon rises!

by Lotte Reimer

Welsh campaigners open cultural front

Not digging for victory!

by PN staff

6,000 sign petition against new opencast coal mine

Israeli ‘piracy’ halts Gaza Freedom Flotilla III

by David Polden

Swedish ship boarded & passengers detained

Cameron: more money for drone wars

by Chris Cole

UK set to escalate unmanned attacks



by Donald Rooum

Conference launches ‘Fly Kites Not Drones’ pack

by Andrew Gibson

New education pack to be released

No charges yet for Trident whistle-blower

by David Polden

MoD rubbish McNeilly allegations

Palestinian prisoners

by David Polden

Khader Adnan released after 55 day hunger strike

Anti-austerity protests sweep across the UK

by PN staff

250,000 march in London as meals on wheels slashed by 81%


Preaching to the converted – or sharing learning with others?

by David MacKenzie

David Mackenzie resists the siren calls of PR and the comfort zone

Palestine: resignation, solidarity and the great chain of nonviolence

by Andrew Rigby, Marwan Darweish

Extracts from the new book, Popular Protest in Palestine, an important study of popular unarmed resistance to the Israeli occupation since the second intifada

Small victories

by Andrea Needham

How a combination of legal and direct action stopped the tree-fellers

The hidden history

by Milan Rai

How Truman delayed the end of the war in order to use the atomic bomb

Hiroshima & Nagasaki 70 years

by PN staff

Events to mark the 70th anniversary of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

A crucial victory

by Liam Barrington-Bush

Four years of grassroots campaigning defeated Cuadrilla’s plans to drill for shale gas in Lancashire

Distorting Iran

by Milan Rai

PN considers broadsheet editorial reactions to July’s nuclear deal


Diary: End-of-termitis

by Virginia Moffatt

'I'm sick of protesting this shit'

A request for connection

by Matthew Armstead

Matthew Armstead reflects on the Charleston church massacre

No hitting!

by Sarah Lasenby

Sarah Lasenby hits out at corporal punishment

Cartoons etc

Roouminations by Donald Rooum

Almost ... by SEG