Issue: 2618 - 2619

June - July 2018


Top Stories

Resisting militarisation in Leicester

by Ambrose Musiyiwa, Forces Watch

A ForcesWatch interview with poet and campaigner Ambrose Musiyiwa

The Kings Bay Ploughshares Seven

by PN staff

Activists face 10 years imprisonment for disarmament action

Israel vs nonviolence

by PN staff

Hamas offers ceasefire as Israel shoots 3,000 unarmed Gazans

Is the US president opening Pandora's box?


CND at 60: Yorkshire

by Benjamin Kaplan, Matt Fawcett

An interview with one of the anti-nuclear campaign's regional branches

Ducks, direct action & divestment

by Gabriel Carlyle

Gabriel Carlyle reports from the second UK Fossil Free UK national gathering

Saying no to Syria strikes

by PN staff

Thousands protest British missile attack

Disabled activists occupy parliament

by David Polden

House of Commons declared 'crime scene'

Faslane Peace Campers scapegoated?

by David Polden

Anti-nuke activists singled out for harsher treatment following arms fair blockade

Boats set off for Gaza

by PN staff

Swedish ships begin two-month journey

Drone Wars: the next generation

by Joanna Frew

Drones are becoming central to 21st century warfare, new report says



by Donald Rooum

Anarchists barred from bookfair

by Milan Rai

One person barred and a second ejected from Liverpool event

Wales for Gaza

by Lotte Reimer

Vigils held in support of 'The Great Return March'

‘Not in our name!’

by Kelvin Mason

Wales protests British role in Syria air strikes

Resistance is not a crime

by Adam Johannes

Six arrested at Cardiff arms fair


Landlords out!

by Poster workshop

A teaser for our upcoming review of Poster Workshop 1968 - 1971

Rooting classism out of our organisations

by Michael Albert

A chapter in the story of the next American Revolution

After King’s assassination, radical pacifists debated his contribution

by Jim Peck, Ken Knudson, Robert Calese

Did Martin Luther King really do 'more harm to the progress of non-violence than any single person connected with it'?

Absurd convictions

by PN, Elizabeth McAlister, Father Steven Kelly SJ, Martha Hennessy

Reflections from inside Camden County detention centre by three of the Kings Bay Ploughshares prisoners

Trump’s contradictory Korea policy: Bolton vs Pompeo

by Milan Rai

Trump's Korea summit is heading for disaster, argues Milan Rai


Case Study: France: February – April 2006

by Thomas Fortuna

Students and unions defeat jobs law

'Every little counts'

by Penny Stone

Penny Stone revels in a musical midpoint between East and West

The Personal Column: archy & mehitabel

by Jeff Cloves

Jeff Cloves reflects on the work of a natural anarchist and pacifist

Diary: 'like a bee, carrying political pollen'

by Cath

Our Leeds cooperator visits the founding member of the (US) Federation of Egalitarian Communities

Bruce Kent: As I please

by Bruce Kent

UN reform should be a priority for radicals, argues Bruce Kent

Sticking up for #MeToo

by Claire Poyner

Claire Poyner responds to the backlash

Oppose the censorship of the ‘anti-hate speech’ Bolsheviks

by Christopher Draper

Christopher Drape draws lessons for today's activists from the tragic history of the Russian Revolution

Cartoons etc

Telford by Tony Telford

Roouminations by Donald Rooum