Issue: 2656

October - November 2021


Top Stories

The Cuban Missile Crisis – why was it a crisis?

by Milan Rai

Milan Rai reviews a flawed, fascinating, worm’s eye view of history


by Ian Sinclair

What the media and political establishment are not telling you

6 November: Take action on climate change

by PN staff

During COP26, protest in Glasgow or where you live

Milan Rai pieces together the story of a crucial moment in the Cuban Missile Crisis


Going to Glasgow

by PN staff

What you need to know if you're heading to COP26

Faslane under water?

by PN staff

Britain's coastal military nuclear infrastructure 'profoundly vulnerable to flooding'

CND’s spycops

by David Polden

Police spies targeted anti-nuclear group

What you can do

by PN staff

PN surveys a variety of ways that you can take action in the run up to this November's Climate Summit

Faslane blockaders acquitted

by David Polden

Case dismissed as 'no case to answer'

DSEI Festival of Resistance

by Rebecca Elson-Watkins

Rebecca Elson-Watkins is a Londoner, an activist and a writer. She's probably on some sort of watchlist as a rabble-rousing peacenik.

XR's latest rebellion

by PN staff

Fortnight of protests against fossil fuel investments


Yogi Bear released

by David Polden

Palestine Action campaigner freed as campaign continues


by David Polden

Fortnight of protest against UK arms fair

XR rebel imprisoned for a year

by PN staff

Paralympian jailed for airport action

COP26 Rebel Agreement

by PN staff

XR Scotland issues guidelines for Glasgow climate protests

'Forgive me for taking papers instead of human lives'

by David Polden

US whistleblower gets 45 month sentence

Reclaim Pride

by Rebecca Elson-Watkins

London demo calls for Johnson to 'stop stalling on LGBT+ rights'



by Benjamin Zephaniah

A poem by Benjamin Zephaniah

Lift the barriers to climate jobs

by FoE Scotland, Platform, Greenpeace

Unfair training costs make a Just Transition harder for oil and gas workers

An amnesty for state murders in Ireland?

by Robin Percival

The British government is trying to shield British soldiers and intelligence officials who killed civilians in Northern Ireland

Women for Peace: Banners from Greenham Common

by Thalia Campbell, Ian Campbell, Erica Smith

Erica Smith reviews a new book from Four Corners

Greenham 40

by Vanessa Ludwig

An extract from a speech at the recent event 'Greenham 40th: Feminist Peace - opposing violence, militarism and war'

Chomsky on Afghanistan: the West must co-operate with China

by Noam Chomsky, Sarvy Geranpayah

Sarvy Geranpayeh interviewed Noam Chomsky for Gulf News on 8 September


What else

by Rebecca Elson-Watkins

A call for solidarity with ordinary Afghans

Radical music: 'Somos todos, todas, todes'

by Penny Stone

Penny Stone looks at some of the ways in which music is being used to fight climate change

Poynted remarks

by Claire Poyner

Our columnist surveys some common statistical pitfalls

Diary: 'The Zapatistas are coming!'

by Cath

Our Leeds cooperator finds herself enjoying a clash of consciousnesses

Beyond the barricades

by Ambrose Musiyiwa

Ambrose Musiyiwa meets the poet Catherine Okoronkwo

Cartoons etc

Telford by Tony Telford