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PN staff

3 September 2024News

Imprisoned campaigners hold public Hiroshima day protest

Two peace activists serving prison sentences in Koblenz, western Germany are allowed to leave the prison for an hour a day. On 6 August, Susan Crane (79) from the US and Susan van de Hijden (54) of the Netherlands spent half of their hour outside the local train station with a poster saying: ‘Hiroshima warns: abolish nuclear weapons now in the East and the West’.

The two Susans are in prison for refusing to pay fines resulting from protests at Büchel air base in Germany, which houses…

3 September 2024News

Campaigners jailed for 4 - 5 years over Zoom call to discuss nonviolent disruptive protest

Just after our last issue went to press, five members of the climate direct action group Just Stop Oil (JSO) received long prison sentences for attending an online meeting to discuss nonviolent disruptive protest. Their 2022 Zoom call had been recorded by a Sun reporter and passed to the police.

Greenpeace UK’s programme director Amy Cameron condemned the sentences, saying: ‘What sort of country locks people away for years for planning a peaceful demonstration, let alone for talking…

3 September 2024News

Ten day protest against bringing new US nukes to Britain

On 20 July, two women were arrested at USAF Lakenheath in Suffolk, protesting against plans to bring new US nuclear weapons to the base. Ginnie Herbert and Angie Zelter sat down and refused to move when police told them that they would not be able to deliver a letter to the base commanders. They were arrested for aggravated trespass at a ‘protected site’ under the Serious Organised Crime and Police Act (2005); the maximum penalty is six months in prison.

Angie and Ginnie were taken to…

3 September 2024Feature

A statement by a dissident PNT director

Eve’s resignation letter above refers to an email which was sent to PNT on 31 July by a dissident PNT director. This email was forwarded to the editor by another PNT director. Because we are publishing this statement without the author’s knowledge or consent, to protect them from retaliation, we are withholding their name.

I’m glad you’ve brought this up, Glyn, as it gives me the chance to ask you…

3 September 2024News

Government drops appeal in 'right to acquit' case

On 15 August, the new solicitor general, Sarah Sackman, told the court of appeal in London that she would not be pursuing a case of contempt of court against Trudi Warner.

In March 2023, the 69-year-old retired social worker and Insulate Britain climate campaigner had held up a sign outside Inner London Crown Court saying: ‘Jurors, you have an absolute right to acquit a defendant according to your conscience.’

This April, the high court in London had thrown out an attempt by…

1 August 2024News

On 26 June, Wikileaks founder Julian Assange walked free from a US court on the Western Pacific island of Saipan, halfway between Japan to the north and Papua New Guinea to the south.

He had been released on bail from Belmarsh prison in London two days earlier as part of complicated plea deal negotiated by Australia, the US and Britain.

In Saipan, Assange pleaded guilty to one count of espionage and was given a sentence of ‘time served’, given his five years’ imprisonment in…

1 August 2024News

Acquittals, convictions and possible UK violations of international law

Since our last issue, Just Stop Oil has racked up five acquittals and seven convictions – and also claimed victory in their campaign to get the government to stop licensing all new oil, gas and coal projects. That is the policy of the new Labour government. Extinction Rebellion have a new prisoner, Amy Pritchard, as well as big plans for the end of August.

There seems to have been a large-scale pre-emptive police swoop, detaining 27 JSO activists on 28 June, as well as three high-…

1 August 2024News

Renowned US dissident discharged from hospital

In mid-June, there were false reports that US linguist and political activist Noam Chomsky had died.

In fact, Chomsky had been discharged from a Brazilian hospital to be cared for at home.

Chomsky, 95, suffered a massive stroke in June 2023. He was later transported by ambulance jet, to receive specialist care in São Paulo. This care enabled him to move out of intensive care, first to a regular hospital bed and then home.

Valeria Wasserman Chomsky told the Associated…

1 August 2024News

Public backs arms embargo but split on Gaza protests

The British public want to ban arms sales to Israel by a majority of three to one, of those who have an opinion. That’s according to a Deltapoll survey carried out at the end of June for the online UAE news site, the National.

Worryingly, the poll also found that 36 percent of Britons thought Gaza ceasefire protests should not be allowed to go ahead in future, compared to only 41 percent who think they should be allowed. Freedom to protest does not have majority support, at…

1 August 2024News

New group pledges 'nonviolent resistance against this rigged political system;

As we go to press, we’re in the middle of a Youth Demand week of action, which they started by blocking the roads around Marble Arch in Central London on 13 July. This followed four eye-catching actions in June.

Youth Demand (YD) is a cross between Palestine Action and Just Stop Oil, calling for ‘an immediate two-way arms embargo on Israel and an end to all new oil and gas licences in the UK.’

YD says: ‘Until these demands are met, we will be in nonviolent resistance against…

1 August 2024News

Report finds ‘worrying trends’ in police response to Palestine demos

Since last October, political speech and protest criticising the state of Israel has been policed ‘almost entirely as a potential “hate crime”’, according to a report published by Netpol at the end of May.

The testimony, evidence, statistics and media coverage gathered and analysed in In Our Millions reveals several other ‘worrying trends’ in the police response to recent Palestine solidarity protests in England and Wales, including evidence of racist and Islamophobic…

1 August 2024News

Blizzard of actions targeting Israeli arms company Elbit Systems

It is hard to keep up with Palestine Action, who have carried out over 35 actions since our last issue. The following is an incomplete list of their actions, mostly targeted at the British subsidiary of the giant Israeli weapons maker Elbit Systems.

On 9 June, around 20 branches of Barclays bank across England and Scotland had their windows shattered or painted with red paint in a joint campaign between Palestine Action and Shut the System, a new climate direct action group.

1 August 2024News

Israeli soldiers 'routinely executed Palestinian civilians'

‘Israeli soldiers routinely executed Palestinian civilians simply because they entered an area that the military defined as a “no-go zone”.’ This was some of the horrifying testimony six Israeli soldiers gave to an Israeli magazine, +972, in July.

The six ‘paint[ed] a picture of a landscape littered with civilian corpses, which are left to rot or be eaten by stray animals; the army only hides them from view ahead of the arrival of international aid convoys, so that “images of people…

1 August 2024News

Guinea Bissau removes flag from 'Break the Siege' vessel

Unfortunately, the ‘Break the Siege’ effort by the Gaza Freedom Flotilla Coalition was scuppered – probably by Israeli pressure.

As we reported last issue, the flotilla’s large cargo ship, the Anadolu (Anatolia), and its passenger ferry, the Akdeniz (the Mediterranean) were unable to sail to Gaza because Guinea Bissau removed its flag from them on 27 April.

No solution could be found to this problem. Hundreds of volunteers were sent home. The 5,000 tons of humanitarian aid the…

1 August 2024News

Permission for oil drilling at Horse Hill quashed

On 20 June, the supreme court in London set a powerful precedent affecting all future fossil fuel projects in the UK: it quashed Surrey county council’s decision to grant planning permission for 20 years of oil drilling at Horse Hill in Surrey, England.

The court ruled that the council had breached environmental law because it had not taken into consideration the greenhouse gas emissions that would come from burning the oil (probably for transport).

Up till now, only the carbon…