Jarrett, Jordana

Jarrett, Jordana

Jordana Jarrett

5 July 2013Feature

An interview with the director of England’s Fellowship of Reconciliation

Millius Palayiwa, director of Fellowship of Reconciliation
Photo: Jordana Jarrett

The current director of England’s Fellowship of Reconciliation (FoR) was born in what was then Southern Rhodesia, now Zimbabwe, the middle child of parents who sacrificed for their children’s prosperity. For 40 years, his father worked as a ‘kitchen-boy’ for a white man, making only £8.10 a month. His father agreed to work without pay if the man would pay for all seven children to attend primary…

5 July 2013News

As PN went to press, US military authorities were stepping up their attempts to break the hunger strike of detainees at the Guantánamo Bay detention centre in Cuba.

The hunger strike, which has been running for over 130 days, involves almost two-thirds of the 166 detainees.

Detainee and British resident Shaker Aamer told his lawyer, Clive Stafford Smith, director of the legal charity Reprieve, that the authorities were making cells ‘freezing cold’ and using ‘metal-tipped’ feeding tubes to try to break the will of the hunger strikers, according to a report in the Observer on 22 June.

Speaking four months after he joined the hunger…

5 July 2013News

Anti-capitalist demonstrations in England, northern Ireland and Germany were met with excessive policing last month, as eight of the world’s wealthiest countries met at Lough Erne in northern Ireland for the G8 summit on 17-18 June.

British artist Peter Kennard responded to the G8 summit in the north of Ireland with a series of protest posters that he encouraged people to download and paste up wherever they saw fit – this poster was in Hackney. Some posters were stuck on the walls of

A group named Stop G8 occupied a former police station on Beak St in central London to be the convergence centre for their ‘Carnival Against Capitalism’. 

On 11 June, 100 police officers broke into the building, removing…

5 July 2013News

In June, a former CIA technical worker revealed US surveillance tactics, allowing the government access to phone records, individually stored data, and the servers of large social networking sites.

Whistle-blower Edward Snowden disclosed documents to WikiLeaks, calling the tactics of the US national security agency (NSA) ‘horrifying.’

Under the ‘Prism’ programme, which has been running since 2007, the NSA has access to the servers of Microsoft, YouTube, Skype, Facebook…

5 July 2013Feature

Since the Woolwich attack in London on 22 May, at least 13 mosques have been attacked, according to Islamophobia monitoring group Tell MAMA, which has recorded 212 incidents targeting Muslims – including harassment, violence and damaged property.

A school trip in Isfahan, Iran Photo: Milan Rai

On 23 June, a home-made bomb was discovered outside the Aisha mosque in Walsall in the West Midlands. 150 people were evacuated. No one was injured as the device was made safe.

Arson or attempted arson attacks have taken place at the Grimsby Mosque & Islamic Community Centre; the Zainabia Islamic Centre in Milton Keynes (30 people were inside at the time); the Al Falah Braintree Islamic Centre in Essex; the Masjid E Noor…

1 July 2013Feature

Behind the scenes of a historic victory for Kenyan torture victims

Wambunga Wa Nyingi and Jane Muthoni Mara outside the High Court, London. Photo: Leigh Day

More than 60 years after Britain declared the Kenyan ‘Emergency’, the British government has been forced to provide compensation to over 5,000 Kenyans for atrocities committed during its counter-insurgency campaign.

During the Emergency, an anti-colonial coalition, Mau Mau, responded to British imperialist control in Kenya. As a result, thousands of Kenyans in Kikuyu, Embu and Meru areas were…