
1 August 2024Comment

Assassination attempts and the power that gives meaning to nonviolent action

As I write, there’s a lot that still isn’t known about the assassination attempt – especially about the motivations of the shooter.

Many commentators believe that the events of 13 July in Butler, Pennsylvania, USA, have sealed the deal for the Republican presidential candidate.

The bullet that clipped Donald Trump’s ear, and which so very nearly killed him, will energise his supporters, bring undecideds in his direction, and make his opponents hesitate. The image of his…

1 February 2024Comment

In the run-up to this year's general election, the UK peace movement must challenge the deep-seated militarism of the entire British political class

Noam Chomsky once wrote that activists had two options in relation to changing government policies (in the US): ‘One way is to try to influence the choice that will be offered by the two major political parties and to exercise this choice on Election Day. Another, very different approach is to try to modify the objective conditions that any elected official must consider when he [or she] selects a course of action.’

You can either work within the system, trying to persuade a party to…

11 December 2020News

Milan Rai reports on US activists' impressive efforts in nonviolent deterrence and preparation

As we went to press, Donald Trump had just sent a tweet which was the closest thing to conceding that he’s lost the US presidential election that we’re probably going to get.

In the weeks leading up to 3 November, there was anxiety across the political spectrum that Trump might try to hang onto power despite losing the election. In the end, it turned out that he didn’t have the determination, organisation or good judgement to mount a serious threat to the political system.

9 December 2020Review

OR Books, 2020; 324pp; £18

Currently writing for the Independent and the London Review of Books, Patrick Cockburn is one of the most experienced foreign correspondents working in the Middle East today.

His latest book is largely made up of short-form reportage based on writings and diary entries at the time of the events being covered, alongside some contextualising retrospective explanation.

Covering the first term of the Trump administration, which Cockburn argues has been populated…

9 December 2020Feature

A powerful Democracy Now! interview on the risk of a coup in the US, the climate crisis and the nuclear arms race

We’re glad to be able to present the transcript of an interview of respected US social critic Noam Chomsky on the radical US TV/radio programme, Democracy Now! The interview was carried out on 23 July by hosts Amy Goodman and Nermeen Shaikh.

AMY GOODMAN: This is Democracy Now! The Quarantine Report. I’m Amy Goodman.

Barely 100 days before the presidential election in November, this week president Trump announced he is sending a surge…

27 October 2020Blog

US president Donald Trump has been threatening for months to hang onto power by illegal means after the 3 November presidential election. Dozens of organisations are preparing to stop him, and to protect the fabric of US democracy.

One week away from election day, thousands of activists across the United States are preparing to prevent any attempt by Donald Trump to hold onto the US presidency by illegal means if it looks like he is losing.

Their efforts are in line with an elite investigation into a possible election crisis, which concluded that massive street action would be vital in defending a contested election result.

The Transition Integrity Project…

1 June 2019Feature

Iran guilty of "crime" of successful defiance

The threat of a US attack on Iran is all too real. Led by US national security advisor John Bolton, the Trump administration is spinning tales of Iranian misdeeds. It is easy to concoct pretexts for aggression. History provides many examples.

The assault against Iran is one element of the international programme of flaunting overwhelming US power to put an end to ‘successful defiance’ of the master of the globe: the primary reason for the US torture of Cuba for 60 years.


1 June 2019News

International peace movements must defend treaties restrain production, deployment and potential use of nuclear weapons

Soviet general secretary Mikhail Gorbachev and US president Ronald Reagan signing the Intermediate Nuclear Forces Treaty in the East Room of the White House, Washington DC, US, on 8 December 1987.Photo: Ronald Reagan Presidential Library

It’s 10 years now since US president Barack Obama made his famous Prague speech, committing to a nuclear weapons-free world. I remember hearing his words broadcast, amid the tumultuous cheers of the crowd in Hradčany Square, as if it were yesterday…

1 August 2018News in Brief

On 13 July, an estimated 250,000 protesters filled the streets of central London on a Friday afternon in the ‘Together Against Trump’ protest against the visit to the UK of US president Donald Trump.

Earlier, thousands joined a ‘Bring the Noise’ march organised by the Women’s March London coalition, supported by a range of NGOs.

The Climate Coalition against Trump dropped a 100-metre banner, ‘Trump: Climate Genocide’, at the side of the river Thames.

The ‘Together…

1 June 2018Comment

Is the US president opening Pandora's box?

US president Donald Trump has taken steps towards war with China and Iran, even as he seeks peace with North Korea. But things may not be quite what they seem.

At the beginning of May, the Trump administration declared trade war on China.

The US gave China a punishing list of economic demands, including a reduction in the US-China trade imbalance by $200bn by June 2020. (This would require the Chinese government to effectively take over the economy, when the US has been saying…

1 June 2018News

Trump's Korea summit is heading for disaster, argues Milan Rai

US national security advisor John Bolton, US secretary of state Mike Pompeo, US president Donald Trump and US vice-president Mike Pence (left to right) on 2 May 2018. Photo: US State Department

We can expect a lot of twists and turns over the next month, before the unexpected 12 June summit in Singapore between US president Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un. There is a reasonable way forward that experts agree gives a solid chance for building towards some kind of…

1 February 2018News

US government review backs mini-nukes

A new, aggressive US nuclear posture review was released on 2 February. The review advises removing restrictions on the use of nuclear weapons, as well as the development of new low-yield, or tactical, warheads.

The US is looking to add a number of long-range weapons to its arsenal, with accompanying sea/air-based delivery systems. One is a modified Trident D5 submarine-launched missile that can be equipped with either a conventional or a low-yield nuclear warhead. These less-powerful…

1 February 2017Comment

We need to develop empathy - and where appropriate solidarity - with those who voted to leave the EU, argues Milan Rai

Class and classism are becoming more and more important issues for all sorts of movements, especially as we try to deal with the rise of racism, Islamophobia and authoritarianism at home and abroad. It’s important that these efforts don’t themselves become oppressive to working-class and poor people, and that we find class-inclusive ways to work on these issues.

Peace News wants to contribute to the conversations around class, not only in the pages of PN and on the…