

A list of reviews up to 2012. See all reviews here.

1 December 2003Review

War on Want 2003, ISBN 0 905990 40 4, 192pp, £8 plus £1.50 UK P&P

One of the hardest tasks for a writer to do well is to write an authorised history of an organisation devoted to social justice. It is easy to write a public relations puff piece, avoiding mention of internal divisions and crisis that hurt the organisation and potentially affect its image. The authors avoided this trap.

It felt strange to read about the origins and struggles of an organisation that seems to have always been around. In my more than 30 years of activism there has been…

1 December 2003Review

Amnesty International UK, 2003; ISBN 1 873328 59 1; £12.99

If protest is to achieve anything, it should offer both a means and an end in itself. That is to say, the act should serve the location and situation in hand and, ideally, should energise those participating to further actions. Ordeal is not hugely conducive to spirited resistance.

If this all sounds either obvious or prescriptive, the point is only made because of the fundamental role media responses play in determining the success or failure of any act. So much of the time,…

1 September 2003Review

New Internationalist Publications/Verso 2002. ISBN 1 85984 426 X, 144pp

It's not often you read a book which does just what it says on the cover, but in this excellent little book - based on his years of research and activism in the UK based Campaign Against Arms Trade (CAAT) - Gideon Burrows has succeeded in providing a very useful guide to “the arms trade for beginners”.

Masses of statistical information is threaded through chapters on the countries and corporations which control the arms trade; the impact of arms sales on conflicts, human rights and…

1 September 2003Review

Arcadia 2002, ISBN: 1 900850 70 2

Tatamkhulu Afrika, 83 this year, had his first novel obliterated by the Blitz. Of Middle Eastern origin, he fought the Nazis in World War Two and apartheid in South Africa. In German prison camps he performed with Denholm Elliott. And in South Africa he is a renowned poet.


Now, finally, his prose is available in print. It's powerful stuff, based on his experiences as a PoW in North Africa and Occupied Europe. In content and style, though, the book is less a standard WWII…

1 September 2003Review

Vintage 2003, ISBN 0 099 44839 4, 256pp, £7.99

The reality of US foreign policy has been dissected by a large range of analysts (Gabriel Kolko, Michael Klare, etc) but the grim realities of British foreign policy appear to have received comparatively little attention. Mark Curtis is one of the few to have subjected Britain's post-WWII role to proper critical scrutiny.

The basic thesis of Web of Deceit is that “Britain's basic priority - virtually its raison d'etre for several centuries - is to aid British companies in…

1 September 2003Review

Ashgate 2002, ISBN 0 7546 0867 0, 296 pp, £45

The essays in this volume address the tension between two widely held principles. The first is that a nation's borders should be respected, the second is that human rights should be protected.

The tension obviously arises when it is thought that in order to uphold the latter, it is necessary to override the former. The individual contributions to this debate (all originally conference papers) approach this central issue in a number of ways, with different emphases and varying degrees…

1 September 2003Review

Images and Reality of the Israel-Palestine Conflict, second edition, Verso 2003, ISBN 1 85984 442 1, 287pp, £15. Politicide: Ariel Sharon's War Against the Palestinians, Verso 2003, ISBN 1 85984 517 7, 234 pp, £15. Israel/Palestine: How to End the War of 1948, Seven Stories Press 2002, ISBN 1 583 22538 2, 278pp, £7.99

As its title suggests, Norman Finkelstein's Myth and Reality explodes a series of myths about the Israel-Palestine conflict. Among the myths tackled are: that the dispossession of the Palestinians in 1948 was “born of war, not by design”; that the 1967 war was a “live or perish” battle for Israel's national existence; and that Israel's victory in the 1973 war forced Sadat to sue for peace with Israel (in fact the reverse is true). In each case Finkelstein's analysis, backed by prodigious…

1 September 2003Review

Nonviolence International 2002, ISBN 9 29500602 X. See

As its subtitle suggests, this ain't exactly bedtime reading.

But if you've ever wanted a clear, concise guide to how exactly peace processes work, this is it. Who gets to be involved? What do they talk about, and how is that agenda set? How are these decisions translated into practice? And how are transparency and ethical process observed?

Illustrated by examples from Tajikistan to Guatemala via Burma and Mozambique, the book looks at the common themes of success and failure…

1 September 2003Review

Verso 2002, ISBN 1 85984 682 3, 320pp, £19

At first sight, this book looks exciting and compelling. The blurb focuses on its relevance to debates about warfare and world security post-S11. And the title, to my mind, conjures up images of nuclear tests, Agent Orange, dirty bombs and the spraying of dangerous fungicides over Colombian hillsides. Inside, however, one finds a lost opportunity - or perhaps a cynical attempt to grab a marketing opportunity by the judicious addition of current buzzwords to a historical study of fairly…

1 September 2003Review

Reclaim the State: Experiments in Popular Democracy, Verso 2003, ISBN 1 85984 689 0, 252pp, £15. The Age of Consent: A Manifesto for a New World Order, Flamingo 2003, ISBN 0 00 715042 3, 274pp, £14.99

Both Wainwright and Monbiot are in search of a way out of the world's neo-liberal quagmire. Both are concerned with an expansion of democracy, yet their searching takes quite different directions. While Monbiot presents a blueprint for a different world order, Wainwright heads to Brazil, and through England, finding practical grassroots “experiments” that may give sustainable roots to a global movement for social justice.

Wainwright sets off with more than airline tickets and a bus…

1 March 2003Review

Arrow Publications 2002, ISBN 0 9518 1889 9. £10, 230pp

As war is becoming more and more of a reality, surrealism and madness characterise the pro-war lobby just as they continue to characterise the regime of Saddam Hussein in Iraq. In the midst of heightened passion, political debates that have turned personal, not to forget the plagiarism by British officials, Milan Rai's Book War Plan Iraq: 10 Reasons Why We Shouldn't Launch Another War Against Iraq comes as a relief.

The book provides well-researched background information,…

1 March 2003Review

Ocean Press 2003; ISBN 1 876175 49 4, 130pp

The five chapters of this book were originally part of a longer book, And justice for all, published in1963 (the other five chapters can be found at ). The author, William Kunstler, who died in 1995, was a radical US defence lawyer whose clients included Martin Luther King and Malcolm X.

The reissue is in response to the current attack on civil liberties in the US in the wake of 11 September 2001, and…

1 March 2003Review

Clairview 2002; ISBN 1 902636 38 4;160 pp, £8.95

Gore Vidal knows how to write. The only problem is that you get the feeling he's written it all before. Literally. Nowhere on the cover (front or back) are you warned that three-quarters of the book is a reprint of articles that appeared previously in Vanity Fair (three) or The Nation (one), which were published as long ago as 1997 (although I can't say the material feels dated, far from it).

The drawback of having read it all before won't apply to everyone of…

1 March 2003Review

Spinifex Press 2002; ISBN 1 876 75627 6, 500pp, US$19.95

When the voices of war and the “war on terrorism” are raised around the world, the voices of women, feminists with different opinions, perspectives and experience are silenced or drowned out.


This volume of essays, personal stories, poetry and statements is a welcome collection of voices from around the world. In the words of the dedication, “... women who have struggled to perfect the difficult and valuable skill of surviving, who refuse to be overwhelmed by the…

1 March 2003Review

Routledge, 2002; ISBN 0415 27855 4. 224 pp, US$80

Published works relating to forgiveness generally fall into one of three categories. First off are the Christians who urge us all to follow God's example and forgive and embrace all those who have done us wrong. Then there are the therapeutic manuals produced by behavioural psychologists and new-age gurus that tell us how to achieve the mental and emotional fulfilment which is the fruit of forgiveness by a simple six or maybe twelve-stage process. Finally there are the philosophical works…