17 March 2014News

For many of us, reading Peace News or attending Peace News events has sometimes had a significant impact in some way. We would be very grateful if you could send us your stories and views on what Peace News has done for you.

In 500 words or less, please tell us what Peace News means to you.

Has reading Peace News raised your awareness of new issues or changed your mind about something important? Has attending a PN event led to an important connection or initiative? Has the…

13 March 2014Blog

For many of us, reading Peace News or attending Peace News events has sometimes had a significant impact in some way. We would be very grateful if you could send us your stories and views on what Peace News has done for you.

In 500 words or less, please tell us what Peace News means to you.

Has reading Peace News raised your awareness of new issues or changed your mind about something important? Has attending a PN event led to an important connection or initiative? Has the content of the paper encouraged you to create or join a group, or to take part in new activities? Has it helped to meet the needs of your group or organisation? Have you helped to produce it or appeared in it…

12 March 2014Blog

Published since 1886 the print of edition of Freedom is to be discontinued.

The Freedom Collective, publishers of Freedom, the anarchist periodical founded in 1886, decided at a meeting on 3 March 2014 to discontinue printing and concentrate on online publication.  After the second printed edition of 2014, the intention is to publish a special edition for the anarchist bookfair in October, and after that to print only occasional free sheets.

Peace News and Freedom have much in common. Donald Rooum, who has contributed cartoons to Peace News since 1962, has…

22 February 2014Blog

The recent attacks on the community of 10 de Abril is followed by a week of National and International Solidarity.

Following recent attacks in Chiapas, a Week of National and International Solidarity “If they touch the Zapatistas, they touch all of us” has been called, to be held from 16th to 23rd February, 2014, to “denounce the counterinsurgency war” and emphasise that “the Zapatista communities are not alone.”

The new aggressions were made against the iconic Zapatista community of 10 de Abril, by government supporters from the group CIOAC democratic who live in a nearby community, and who have…

21 February 2014Comment

'I don’t think we think about it enough'

I think that the thing that jumps out from my memory of all of my activism was spending several hours on a sit-down blockade staring down the barrel of a water cannon. Potentially quite a disempowering situation, as the police have a lot of equipment which they are fairly free to use at their own discretion. When all you have is your strength of will, and your physical presence, to challenge that – you feel like the weaker party in that game.

But to come together…

7 January 2014Blog

Renowned US author to give talk on the courageous men and women who opposed the First World War.

7pm, Friday 17 January 2014, London: Award-winning author Adam Hochschild [2] will be speaking about his history of the First World War To End All Wars: A Story of Loyalty and Rebellion, 1914 - 1918 – the only recent history of the conflict to foreground the anti-war movement – at a talk at Friends House in London on Friday 17 January [3].

This will be his only talk in the UK in 2014, the War's centenary year. He will be available for a limited number of media interviews on Thursday…

1 January 2014Feature

Pledge a donation to support PN's visual celebration of the people and movements that opposed the First World War, featuring the distinctive graphic art of Emily Johns.

Kickstarter site:

In 2014, to coincide with the 100th anniversary of the start of the First World War, Peace News is launching a major new project: "The World is My Country": A Visual Celebration of the People and Movements that Opposed the First World War.

At the centre of this project will be ten new full-colour posters designed and made by PN's co-editor…

31 December 2013Feature

Three ex-drinkers share their experience, strength and hope

The three people who have agreed to share their experiences in PN have all been heavily involved in the peace movement and are also recovering alcoholics (their drinking was out of control, but they’re now many years sober).

One of them is religious, two aren’t. One was drinking at her most intense period of activism; the other two were several years sober before they took part in high-risk activities. All three have been to prison for their…

1 November 2013News

100 attend People Power celebration

Over 100 people crowded London’s Cockpit Theatre on 13 October for a Peace News benefit celebrating the power of ordinary people to change the world. ‘Come out! We have you surrounded!’ featured the Songlines Choir, stand-up comedian Chris Coltrane, rebel poet Attila the Stockbroker, Hedgemustard (pictured above) and singer-songwriters @dogcatchicken and (final act) Tracey Curtis. Many thanks to indefatigable event organiser (and compère) Jon Lockwood. Roll on, next year!

1 November 2013Comment

I was taken from the court to the cells below, waving goodbye to friends and supporters at the back of the court. My pocket were emptied and everything in a bag. After several hours, I, with some male and female prisoners from other cells, was taken to a bus lined both side with small cells each capable of holding one person. I was able to see our progress through the tunnel and the streets of Liverpool, just an ordinary bus to the public gaze. Eventually, we arrive at Walton prison....…

29 October 2013Feature

Where will they strike next?

Yarn bombing, Lidköping, Sweden Photo: Shyguy24x7 [CC-BY-SA-3.0/Wikimedia Commons] Yarn bombing, Ohio, USA Photo: Otuiccip [CC-BY-SA-3.0 via Wikimedia Commons] Yarn bombing, Madrid, SpainPhoto: Alvaro Léon [CC-BY-SA-3.0 via Wikimedia Commons] Yarn bombing, Madrid, Spain Photo: Alvaro Léon [CC-BY-SA-3.0 via…

1 October 2013Comment

'Being unhappy takes so much time'

I am very unhappy that you have asked me this question. I used to believe that if you weren’t miserable, you weren’t politically conscious. So I used to make myself even more unhappy than I was in order to make myself more politically right-on.

Thankfully I can now just allow myself to be depressed.


I don’t know. Perhaps activism is a way of keeping your unhappiness at bay. You can cultivate an image of being a great activist while actually being extremely…

1 October 2013Feature

Book your tickets now for PN's benefit 'Celebration of People Power' on Sunday 13 October.

1 September 2013Feature

Comments from the Campers' evaluation forms ...

Mohamed Moghazy and Dora Estella Munoz Atillo. PHOTO: Roy St Pierre Everything! Being welcomed by people, and being with like-minded people. The very interesting workshops – the more participation the better – the laughter, games & singing. Compost toilets, etc. Good food and generosity. Peaceful environment that reaches out to all. A kind and loving community. Good…

1 September 2013Comment

I do think swimming in the sea is remarkable. It’s the only time you’re inside an organism, but I don’t think that’s political. It may be spiritual.

Woman, St Leonards-on-Sea

Well, actually, when you say ‘activism and swimming’, the first thing that comes into my head is Jeju [island in South Korea, where villagers are resisting the building of a massive naval base] when I jumped into the water when I first arrived. When I saw the police were stopping the SOS kayaks, I…