Telford, Tony

Telford, Tony

Tony Telford

8 February 2013Cartoon

1 December 2012Cartoon

26 September 2012Cartoon

28 August 2012Cartoon

27 April 2012Cartoon

1 March 2012Cartoon

7 September 2011Blog

Tony Telford writes on brain structures and western thinking

Back in July, Le Monde Diplomatique carried a fascinating article by Guillaume Pitron. It was, of all things, about gum arabic, the resin of the acacia tree. Gum arabic is mentioned in the Qu’ran and the Bible. These days, labelled as E414, it’s an essential additive in many sweets, medicines, cosmetics, textiles, foods and drinks. It’s an especially important ingredient in Coca-Cola. Without this resin, the black colouring in Coke would rise to the surface. So every can and bottle of Coke…