Tuesday 1 March: Claire Poyner & Network for Peace
Your chance to find out more about PN admin worker Claire Poyner and the UK-wide Network for Peace (which she co-ordinates), following on from our interview with Claire last issue. Claire will be interviewed by PN editor Milan Rai, and then there will be Q&A. 6pm – 7pm. On Zoom. Register here: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZIvc--tqjopHd0gRPOjJ8gta6AB9Jm_wI-V. You can also join by phone if you don’t have the internet: see here for details of how to do this. Please call Claire on 0207 278 3344 for the Meeting ID and Passcode (these can also be found on the backpage of the print edition).
Friday 1 April: Emily Johns & Women’s Voice
Emily Johns is an artist whose work spans poetry and politics. Her touring exhibitions include: ‘Drawing Paradise on the ‘Axis of Evil” – investigating Britain’s relationship with Iran over the last century; and ‘The World is My Country’ – a people’s history poster series celebrating the anti-war movements of the First World War. As well as being PN production worker, Emily is involved in Women’s Voice, a women’s group in Hastings (which she wrote about in the last issue). 6pm – 7pm. On Zoom. Register here: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYqdu6qpz8qEtNMIUYtpxwNAsp3Vd0JgYzE.You can also join by phone if you don’t have the internet: see here for details of how to do this. Please call Claire on 0207 278 3344 for the Meeting ID and Passcode (these can also be found on the backpage of the print edition).
Sunday 1 May: Lotte Reimer & Campaign Choirs Network
Lotte is the outgoing Wales Page editor for PN (leaving after more than 10 years of devoted service!). She is also a co-founder of the Campaign Choirs Network (CCN), a group of 45 street and community choirs who campaign for equality, social justice, environmental sustainability, nonviolence and minority rights. (The 2018 CCN book, Singing for Our Lives: Stories from the Street Choirs, was reviewed in PN 2628 – 2629.) 6pm – 7pm. On Zoom. Register here: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZwtfuqrpz8jE9YBM0V4OSxIGHIvxONYWRSd.You can also join by phone if you don’t have the internet: see here for details of how to do this. Please call Claire on 0207 278 3344 for the Meeting ID and Passcode (these can also be found on the backpage of the print edition).