In mid-February, longtime British peace activist Rosy Bremer spraypainted an anti-war message on the walls of Portsmouth naval base, which also houses an arm of the giant arms company BAE Systems.
As you can see in the video shot by Linda Spence, Rosy spraypainted: '♥ Gaza ♥ Rafah ♥ peace'.
Rosy told the Portsmouth News:
'I'm a normal person and I believe we all have the right to life. I uphold any individuals right to freedom of belief so of course I am not against any Jewish individuals. I spraypainted "Love Gaza, love Rafah, love peace" in silver paint on the naval base walls. I wanted it to be silver to show I value people in Gaza, Rafah and other places in beleaguered Palestine. As far as I am aware, Hamas doesn't have an office in Portsmouth but, if it did, I would take that on as well.'
Rosy, who is terminally ill, also told the paper: 'I understand a bit about coming to terms with my own death. No human being can come to terms with the deaths of 12,000 babies killed.

Rosy, who uses an electric wheelchair, was not arrested despite a police officer arriving as she was finishing her work (he did confiscate her spraycan, though). When the police officer asked for her name, she said: 'Rafah Gaza' – 'for solidarity reasons and to test how far I could go without being arrested'.
The police officer responded that the force would carry out facial recognition on Rosy and issue her with a voluntary attendance order. If they do send her one, Rosy says she will not go to the police station.
Rosy told friends: 'Go and get yourselves some wheels if you can't be arsed with court cases.'