Climate change & climate action

3 March 2005Comment

In a pre-emptive attack on the US, the Campaign Against Climate Change organised a march in London on 12 February to draw attention to the Kyoto protocol - which came into force on the 16th.

The US, Australia, Monaco and Liechtenstein are the only developed nations that have failed to ratify the treaty. We decided to give Monaco and Liechtenstein a little leeway, and marched past the Australian High Commission (Ozzies are the biggest producers of greenhouse gases per capita) on the…

1 March 2005Feature

February's climate change protest march in London brought back my memories of the huge protest march to Hyde Park after the recent third western invasion of Iraq in under a century.

As the then Deputy Chair of the Liberal Democrats it fell to me to address the largest war-time peace protest ever on behalf of the party in Charles Kennedy's absence. I had been urging Kennedy to tackle the issue of oil driven wars for some time but here I had an opportunity to address the issue myself…

1 June 2004Review

Flamingo, 2004; ISBN 0 00 713939 X; 341pp; £16.99

High Tide is the result of three years spent travelling the world in search of evidence that climate change is taking place now.

Lynas's travels include the experience of ducking England's increasingly excessive downpours; surveying the damage of melting permafrost whilst gathering local opinion on the oil industry in “baked” Alaska; and sealing all windows as unprecedented dust storms whirl in China.

Alongside excellent photos, Lynas's stories show that…

1 June 2004Review

European Television Centre, 2004; 75mins, format VHS/PAL; contact for prices/availability

With even the Pentagon now facing up to the reality of the threat of climate change, we might spare a thought or two for those who are likely to first feel its effects. The people of Tuvalu may have the unhappy distinction of becoming the world's first climate-change refugees. Trouble in Paradise is a snapshot of their increasingly precarious life.

The group of Pacific islands known as Tuvalu constitute the world's second smallest nation, after the Vatican. Its 11,000 inhabitants are…

1 June 2004Review

Transnational Institute TN Briefing Series No 2003/1. Available for free download at

Any TNI production merits close attention, and this handsomely produced, tightly argued and informative briefing is no exception.

As stated in the introduction;

The Kyoto Protocol has begun laying the foundation for a completely new global marketplace in greenhouse gases. Six gases... will be traded interchangeably in the brokerage houses and trading floors of the world markets. These `environmental markets' are being left to the private sector and neo-liberal government…