International solidarity

1 September 2008Review

Booksurge, 2008; ISBN 978-1438202433; 240pp; £12.99

118 Days celebrates the “explosion of goodness” that arose from the kidnapping of four peace activists in Baghdad on 26 November 2005.

In 22 articles by 24 different authors, the book explores how this terrible event touched so many people in positive ways – from increased cooperation between peace and faith groups in Britain, to demonstrations of solidarity in the West Bank, and from discussions on the value of self-sacrifice in a US penitentiary to the media frenzy in the UK, the…

3 May 2008Comment

A Fairtrade Town is a community that makes a collective commitment to Fairtrade and achieves Five Goals developed by the Fairtrade Foundation. The movement began in April 2000 when Garstang in Lancashire - uniting local shops, businesses, schools, campaigners, councillors and faith groups - declared itself “the world’s first Fairtrade Town”. Since then over 350 towns, cities, counties, villages, boroughs and islands from Glasgow to Guildford have achieved Fairtrade status and added their…

1 April 2008News

How wonderful to be part of this vibrant and vital International Women's Day march in London for something we all demand: the unconditional, non-negotiable end to violence against women.

As so well expressed by the speakers, such violence takes many forms: the direct violence of beatings, rape, mutilation; the fear of what may follow; governments denying equal status; withholding the right to an existence as an individual woman; war, poverty, trafficking, slavery, threats,…

1 April 2008News in Brief

On 11 March, British human rights protesters Peter Bouquet and Jon Castle, both former Greenpeace captains, were intercepted at sea off the island base of Diego Garcia by a British warship. They were detained for allegedly “entering waters illegally” on board their vessel, Musichana.

The two men are part of a group called the People's Navy and were demonstrating against the removal of the Chagos Islanders from their homes on Diego Garcia nearly 40 years ago to make way for a…

3 March 2008Comment

ACTSA was formed in 1994 as the successor organisation to the Anti Apartheid Movement. Since then ACTSA has been campaigning tirelessly for justice, rights and democracy for the people of southern Africa.

This year ACTSA continues its high-profile campaigns for rights in Zimbabwe, against HIV/AIDS and for universal access to critical drugs, on Nelson Mandela at 90, for corporate accountability, and around trade and gender.

In 2002, British company Cape Asbestos was forced to…

1 March 2008Feature

In the month of the 97 International Women's Day, PN celebrates another year of women around the world rising up and resisting all forms of oppression and injustice:

Palestinian women have been protesting the devastatingly debilitating Israeli siege on Gaza. On 25 February, in a peaceful action called by the Popular Committee Against the Siege, thousands of Gazan women and children joined hands to form a human chain, risking a violent response from the world's fourth strongest army…

1 March 2008News

On 5 February, I was one of ten Members of the European Parliament who broke through the Israeli siege and travelled to Gaza to see the situation for ourselves.

The anger I feel following the visit could drive me to write several books. Here, I have focussed on what the occupation means for the children.

In the Al-Shifa Hospital I visited the ward where thirty premature babies lay in incubators. These tiny children are completely dependent on the electricity supply.

1 March 2008News

Following the success of last summer's Victor Jara festival in Machynlleth, El Sueno Existe (“the dream lives on”) staged a winter festival entitled “Nicaragua: New Time, New Hope”, inspired by the visit to Machynlleth of veteran activist and visionary Paul Baker Hernandez.

Paul is a former Trappist monk who has lived and worked in Nicaragua for a number of years and is active in local and international campaigns against war, exploitation and the plunder of Nicaragua's natural wealth…

1 March 2008News

After months of a tightening siege by Israel in retaliation for Qassam rockets fired into Israel, Gaza was freed on 23 January by a major act of nonviolent direct action. Seven miles of wall dividing Gaza from Egypt was largely destroyed. Tens of thousands crossed, seeking supplies and medical treatment, while Egyptian border guards stood by. Egyptian troops closed the last breach after 11 days. On 18 February, after two weeks of struggle, 30 Israeli peace organizations coordinated by Gush…

1 March 2008Feature

With the highest rate of inflation anywhere in the world - currently 100,000% - the Zimbabwean economy has been in free-fall for several years, creating massive social unrest and chronic food shortages.

With elections due this month, and both the opposition MDC (Move- ment for Democratic Change) Party and the ruling ZANU-PF now split into two camps, the danger of escalating political violence is imminent.

At the heart of this conflict, the Fellowship of Reconciliation Zimbab-…

1 February 2008News

The "People's Navy" solidarity voyage to Diego Garcia (see last issue) has made further progress: the Cindik boat has reached Egypt, and the Musichana is moving on from Thailand. They are set to meet in the Maldives.

To the south, a Greenpeace boat chasing a Japanese whale-hunting fleet has refused to disclose the co-ordinates of the fleet to a Sea Shepherd vessel doing the same, claiming its tactics violate principles of nonviolence.

As widely reported, two Sea Shepherd…

1 November 2007News

Three British women were arrested and jailed for over 30 hours in Al Masra'a al Qibliya on 26 October for attending an “illegal demonstration” against the seizure of Palestinian land.

Sarah Cobham, Caroline Bailey, Kate Harrison and seven other members of the Brighton-Tubas Friendship and Solidarity Group marched with some 40 villagers to the recently confiscated land to remove the grape vines that were planted by the villagers before it was seized.

Settlers and soldiers…

1 September 2007News in Brief

Vigil outside Russian Embassy for Ilya Bodoraenko, 21, an anarchist and environmental activist from the group Autonomous Action, who died in hospital after being brutally attacked by Russian fascists at an anti-nuclear camp on 21 July. The environmentalist camp, organised by “Ecological Wave of Baikal”, was a protest against the nuclear enrichment plant in the Siberian city of Angarsk. More than 15 neo-nazis attacked the 21 campers with iron bars, knives, and pneumatic pistols, and burnt…

1 September 2007News in Brief

On 30 July, WWII merchant navy veteran and 1991 Gulf Peace Team camper Richard Crump, 87, marked 16 years of his weekly Whitehall vigil for Iraq. Originally a demonstration against the economic sanctions on Iraq, the vigil has continued as a protest against the US/UK occupation - and against the entire “war on terror”. Most Mondays, Richard can be found at the corner of Whitehall and Parliament Square between 12noon and 2pm.

1 September 2007News

On 25 July, 12 people from Japan joined around 100 others to take part in the ongoing Faslane 365 Blockade.

Ten of the Japanese were arrested, including Masahiko Moriguchi, who survived the atomic bombing of Nagasaki when he was seven.

Masahiko said, “As one who experienced the A-bomb, I wanted to see this nuclear base with my own eyes and personally take part in this action to halt the nuclear weapons.”

On 5 August, five protestors were arrested for obstructing a…