Nuclear weapons

26 September 2012Feature

Secrets of the Cuban missile crisis, 50 years on

On 27 October 1962, a Russian naval officer named Vasili Arkhipov saved the world.

Twelve US navy ships (part of the US blockade of Cuba during the Cuban missile crisis) were dropping practice depth charges on B-59, a submerged Soviet submarine, trying to signal that the sub should surface. The captain of B-59, Valentin Grigorievitch Savitsky, panicked, believing that the Third World War had started. He gave orders to fire a nuclear torpedo, saying, according to one account: 'We're…

25 September 2012News

Faslane Peace Campers disrupt the indoctrination of the young, and come across a startlingly honest letter from the MoD.

On 6 September, anti-nuclear protesters from Faslane Peace Camp delivered an emotive message to the 'next generation' of nuclear weapons engineers at a nuclear weapons seminar in a hotel in Clydebank.

The 'Introduction to Nuclear Defence' seminar, held in Beardmore Hotel Clydebank, invited 'young delegates' for two days of seminars and presentations on military nuclear topics from 'leading industry figures'. The programme, only open to UK passport holders subject to stringent security…

25 September 2012News

Singers tackle Trident nuclear weapons base

Trident Ploughshares affinity group 'Rise Up Singing' organised two days of tuneful protest at (and a blockade of) the Faslane nuclear submarine base on 16-17 September.

There was a busy day of workshops, singing practice and banner-making on 15 September.

The next day, more than 50 people headed to Faslane to raise their voices in protest against the Trident submarines housed there.

Two visitors from Bhopal described their campaign for justice for the…

25 September 2012News

Three Catholic peace activists were found guilty of criminal damage for writing on the ministry of defence with charcoal.

On 3 September, a London magistrate refused to grant a compensation claim of £300 demanded by the ministry of defence (MoD) from Catholic peace activists Ray Towey, 68, Henrietta Cullinan, 50, and Katrina Alton, 44.

Earlier, the three had been joined by 25 supporters for a time of prayer outside Hammersmith magistrates’ court before a three-hour trial.

The three activists offered clear and moving accounts of their peace actions at the MoD during Holy Week when they…

28 August 2012News

European activists mark bomb anniversary

Eighty people from all over France and from several European countries – Lithuania, Finland, Germany – and also several Americans, fasted in Paris from 6 August, anniversary of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima, to 9 August, the date Nagasaki was bombed.

The Paris town hall, the local 2e arrondissement town hall, and the organising associations, the Maison de Vigilance, the Sortir du nucléaire network and the umbrella organisation Armes nucléaires STOP were present throughout the four…

28 August 2012News

From Wales to Scotland ...

With the help of their Glasgow Kiss friends in arms, the ever-wonderful Faslane Peace Camp people and friends, the newly-expanded Lampeter gaggle of Byddin Boncars Clowniad, the Welsh Rebel Clown Army, closed Faslane nuclear submarine base for five hours on 7 July as part of the Faslane 30 campaign to blockade the base for 30 days to mark the 30-year anniversary of the Faslane Peace Camp.

The action followed hot on the heels of the previous day’s academic blockade, where academics…

28 August 2012News

Die-in at SNP HQ

TP die-in outside SNP HQ, Edinburgh, 9 August. PHOTO: Trident Ploughshares

Various stalls and ceremonies were held across Scotland over the first week-end in August to mark the anniversary of the Hiroshima bomb. On 9 August, Trident Ploughshares (TP) held a more pointed Nagasaki commemoration at the Scottish National Party’s HQ in Edinburgh.

TP wanted to challenge the SNP leadership’s ludicrous lack of consistency in declaring an absolute opposition to hosting nuclear weapons while…

28 August 2012News

Activists force nuclear disclosure

Nuclear sub HMS Vanguard arrives back at

Britain may not be able to maintain its nuclear missile submarine capability because of shortages of navy and civilian personnel.

That was the stark message of the ministry of defence’s official risk register, obtained by the Nuclear Information Service (NIS) through the Freedom of Information Act. On 9 August, NIS placed on its website both the…

28 August 2012News

Welsh activists mobilise against potential Trident relocation

In the Senedd on 19 June, Wales’ first minister, Labour’s Carwyn Jones, said he would welcome Britain’s Trident nuclear missile submarines if an SNP government kicks the fleet out of an independent Scotland. Come to Pembroke, Carwyn said, Milford Haven awaits. Oh boy, if he did....

The peace movement in Wales reacted in outrage across its diverse and formidable range. Peace activist Mabon ap Gwynfor instigated an online petition urging the national assembly to oppose the idea of…

23 August 2012Blog

Reflections on a Merseyside documentary film screening commemorating the atomic bombing of Hiroshima.

Having recently rejoined Merseyside CND, and believing that membership of an organisation necessarily entails participation in its activities, I decided to attend this year’s Hiroshima commemoration in Liverpool, part of which was a film screening at our local social centre. The documentary had originally been shown on BBC4 and concerned the attack on Hiroshima itself, particularly the logistics of…

3 July 2012News

Arms company gets an unwanted visit

The Muriel Lesters affinity group visited the corporate headquarters of Lockheed Martin in Cunard House, 15 Lower Regent St, near Piccadilly Circus, London, on 6 June. Lockheed Martin, the world’s largest arms manufacturer, is one of three companies running the Atomic Weapons Establishment at Aldermaston (on behalf of the British government), where they are designing and building a new generation of nuclear weapons. The Trident Ploughshares affinity group will be visiting again at…

3 July 2012News

'Alternative Jubilee' celebrated at UK bomb factory

Photo: Christian CND.

On 3 June, Christian CND and ICAN (the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons) celebrated the royal jubilee with ‘The Queen’s Peace Alternative Jubilee Party’ outside the nuclear bomb factory, AWE Aldermaston in Berkshire. There was a short service, followed by a secular event at 2pm, with a ‘best hat or crown’ competition, fence-decorating, children’s activities and a shared party tea.


2 July 2012Letter

On the strength of a long departed great aunt from Inverness may I offer a comment on David Mackenzie’s article in the June PN.

During a recent series of three public meetings on the west of Scotland, I came across no sign of what David describes as NIMBYism (not in my backyard) in relation to Trident.

John Ainsley, the secretary of Scottish CND, has shown very clearly, in his recent publication 'Trident- Nowhere to Go', that there is nowhere else for Trident in England or…

2 July 2012News

As Faslane Peace Camp celebrates its 30th birthday with a month of action.

Nuclear disarmament.  If not now, when?

Leonna O’Neill

Leonna O'Neill, Angus Chalmers and Julia Herzog reflect on being in the right place at the right time.

The Scottish Independence debate has created a situation in which Scotland, where most of us are categorically opposed to nuclear weapons, has the potential to refuse to continue to host the British nuclear weapons system. With a lack, south of the Border, of alternative venues anywhere near as strategically…

31 May 2012Letter

The debate around CND's remit continues

As a national member of CND [the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament] since before 1970, and a member of CND national council, I am very interested to know in which direction CND is going. John Hemsley of Kent Area CND brought a motion to CND conference in 2011, asking if CND should concentrate more on core objectives. After a brief discussion, it was decided not to debate this, as it would mean conference finishing late, with all the problems of missing trains, etc.

As it was not…