Issue: 2504-2505

December 2008 - January 2009



By Kate Hudson

CND’s chair looks back on a historic year, and forwards to the struggle ahead

By Emily Johns, Milan Rai

One million Iraqis
The most-censored story of the year was the estimate by a reputable British polling agency that over 1,000,000 Iraqis had died violently as a result of the invasion and occupation.

By Milan Rai, Elise Desiderio

This year saw some outstanding court victories, including a legal breakthrough in Nottingham on 14 January when 11 East Midlands activists were allowed to present a legal argument known as “defence of necessity”.

By Sarah Young

Anxieties and demands in connection to the financial crisis and the government’s so-called “recapitalisation” of the banks were voiced in Edinburgh on 24 October.

By Rosie Hopkins

The Big Blockade Faslane 365, street demonstrations are familiar lively, colourful, noisy campaigning experiences.

By Yoann Ig

Something is stirring on the hillsides and in the valleys. The whisper of Climate Camp Cymru 2009 is becoming a buzz.

By Jonny Jones

Supporters of the People Before Profit Charter (PBPC) held a protest on Queen Street in Cardiff on Halloween. Protesters called on the government to bail-out people, not just banks.

By No Borders South Wales

This autumn, South Wales activist Babi Badalov was deported on a BMI flight to Azerbaijan despite having experienced physical abuse and state persecution there. An artist and poet, Babi was “guilty” of mocking the ruling elite.

By Gabriel Carlyle

As of 17 November, the US has a paper commitment to completely withdraw from Iraq by the end of 2011. In reality, such a withdrawal remains extremely unlikely.

By Gabriel Carlyle

James Burmeister, 23-year-old Iraq war resister, was freed from military prison on 28 October, over two months early.

By Milan Rai

Barack Obama seems to be hardening his position on Iran still further, adding to the nuclear threat he made in June.

By Gabriel Carlyle

At least 40 civilians were killed in an airstrike on a wedding party in Shah Wali Kot in Kandahar province in Afghanistan on 3 November.

By Jonathan Stevenson

On 10 November, a noise demo was held outside a ceremonial dinner in the City of London being addressed by prime minister Gordon Brown.

By David Polden

On 7 November, I was due to appear, with others, at Newbury magistrates’ court for “obstruction of the highway” at Aldermaston Atomic Weapons Establishment on 27 October.

By David Polden

The Free Gaza Movement has broken the siege of Gaza twice since the last issue of PN.