Issue: 2561

September 2013


Top Stories

A community of openness

by Milan Rai

Black leadership at Peace News Summer Camp

Come out! We have you surrounded.

by PN

Book your tickets now for PN's benefit 'Celebration of People Power' on Sunday 13 October.

PN co-editor Emily Johns reflects on difference and the difference it makes.


Guantanamo fasters force-fed

by David Polden

Hunger strikes continue in Guantanamo and California

Mexican motorway blockaded

by Denise Drake

Yaqui nation takes action over water rights

German bomber base closed

by David Polden

US-German air force base blockaded

US whistleblower imprisoned

by David Polden

Former army private given 35-year sentence for exposing torture and secret killings

Afghan peace still possible ...

by Gabriel Carlyle

Taliban restates its position at secret talks in Dubai


Nuclear weapons: write 'em off

by George Farebrother

Frustrated by the answers you get from your MP?

The Little Zapatista School of Freedom

by Maria Gomez

An international course in freedom and autonomy draws 1700 participants from around the world.

What I liked about Peace News Summer Camp

by PN

Comments from the Campers' evaluation forms ...

Halabja Chemical Bombing, 1988

by Osman Ahmed

Halabja survivor Osman Ahmed's work are a 'rendezvous between life and death'

Stop the (First World) War

by Peter Nias

Peter Nias explores some forgotten peace initiatives from a century ago

Nuclear domino?

by David McKenzie

David Mackenzie explores the 'fiendishly complex' connections between Trident and next year's Scottish independence referendum


What a weekend! The 2013 Street Choirs festival

by Lotte Reimer

700 choristers descend on Aberystwyth

Cynefin y Werin calls it a day

by Kelvin Mason

End of an era as all-Wales campaigning network closes

Fasting against the bomb at Burghfield

by Julia Mercer

Activists help knit 7 mile scarf in lead-up to Burghfield disarmament camp

PN at UK Feminista

by Erica Smith

Erica Smith samples the delights of this year's UK Feminista summer school


35 years ago: Cede power

by Albert Beale

In this era, Peace News’s supportive coverage of feminist campaigns and of anti-sexist men’s groups was still sometimes controversial; it frequently led to continuing debate on the letters pages each fortnight. Here, Mark Ashmore joins in.

Diary: No Dash for Gas

by Hannah Lewis

Coercion, objection, desertion

by Jeff Cloves

Jeff Cloves reflects on desertion's representation in popular music

Cartoons etc

Roouminations ... by Donald Rooum

Jill's Defence Weekly by Jill Gibbon