Comments in issue 2632 - 2633

Editorial: No more gunboat diplomacy

by Milan Rai

How the US anti-war movement has helped to restrain Donald Trump

Obituary: Walter Wolfgang, 23 June 1923 – 29 May 2019

by Carol Turner

Organiser of first Aldermaston March who always spoke spoke truth to power

Poynted remarks

by Claire Poyner

Our columnist vents on air pollution, 'migrants' & vaccines

Obituary: Peter Le Mare, 30 December 1939 – 4 July 2019

by Catherine Bann

Lifelong radical whose weekly CND stall became a Penzance fixture

Bruce Kent: As I Please

by Bruce Kent

The role of persistence and reliability in our movements is often underrated.

Diary: 'I want to reclaim "honour"'

by Cath

Two recent deaths spur our Leeds-based cooperator to reflect on the importance of weaving the memories of lost friends and comrades into our movements

Wake up, wake up

by Rebecca Elson-Watkins

Rebecca Elson-Watkins takes at look at Mic Dixon's new film War School

Radical Music: 'Zog Nit Keyn Mol'

by Penny Stone

Using song to resist the dehumanisation of marginalised communities

Case Study: United States 2012 – 2013

by Meghan Kelly

Seattle teachers end standardised testing 

Brexit: Ireland comes first

by Milan Rai

Preventing a hard border between Northern Ireland the Republic should be the peace movement's priority, argues Milan Rai