Years before Russia issued nuclear threats against Ukraine, Britain and the US engaged in nuclear bullying of another non-nuclear weapon state, Iraq.
20 years ago, defence secretary Geoff Hoon insisted publicly the British government ‘reserved the right’ to use nuclear weapons if British troops were threatened by chemical or biological weapons.
This talk by author and activist Milan Rai examines the nuclear threats made in the run-up to the US-UK invasion in 2003, showing how they fit into long-standing British and US nuclear doctrine.
Chaired by Tom Unterrainer, chair of CND.
Editor of Peace News, Milan Rai is the author of Tactical Trident: The Rifkind Doctrine and the Third World (1995) and Chomsky’s Politics (Verso 1995).
This event is part of the series: 'The Iraq War 20 years on’: https://peacenews.info/events