Campaign Profile: Survival

IssueApril 2010

Founded in 1969, Survival is the only international organisation supporting tribal peoples worldwide. It works closely with local indigenous organisations, and focus on tribal peoples who have the most to lose.

As educators, Survival promotes respect for tribal peoples’ cultures. As advocates, they provide a platform for tribal representatives to talk directly to the companies that are invading their land. As campaigners, they were the first in this field to use mass letter-writing. In 2000, the Indian government abandoned their plan to relocate the isolated Jarawa tribe, after receiving 150-200 letters a day from Survival supporters around the world. Shortly before that, the governor of western Siberia imposed a five year ban on oil drilling in the territory of the Yugan Khanty within weeks of Survival issuing a bulletin. There have been many other successes.

They also use many other tactics: vigils, lobbying; advising on the drafting of international law; and headline-grabbing stunts.

Survival is the only major organisation in its field which refuses funding from national governments.

Survival International, 6 Charterhouse Buildings, London EC1M 7ET; 020 7687 8700;

Topics: Global south
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